Short Paragraph on ‘Save Trees’

Save trees for the environment! Trees are the lungs of the earth: it is very important to protect them. It is for this reason that we say: ‘save trees and save the earth’.

Why should we save trees?

1. Protecting our atmosphere. Trees help to lock CO2 out of the atmosphere, combating climate change.

2. Food supply. Much of our food comes from trees, including nuts, bark (for instance cinnamon) and fruits.

3. Soil quality. Tree roots balance the mineral composition of the soil.

4. Preventing flooding. Tree roots are a natural flood defence.

5. Defence against winds. Trees are a natural barrier against high winds and dust storms.

6. Habitats. Rainforests and woodlands are important habitats for many animals.

7. Medicine. Many trees are medicinal; aloe vera soothes the skin, for instance.

How to save trees?

1. Use less wood. Buy less new wooden furniture and only buy wooden products from sustainable sources.

2. Become a campaigner. Let your local authorities and national government know that trees are important to you.

3. Use less paper. Save paper, for example by thinking before you print emails.

4. Reforestation. Participate in reforestation projects to increase the number of trees in your region.

5. Donate. Donate to environmental charities.

6. Educate. Educate others about the importance of trees.

7. Appreciate. Appreciating the beauty of trees will encourage you to preserve them.

Conclusion: Trees are essential to our lives in so many ways.

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