CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 7

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 7 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 7.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 7

Board CBSE
Class XII
Subject Physical Education
Sample Paper Set Paper 7
Category CBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 7 of Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 7 is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Answers to questions carrying 1 mark should approximately 10-20 words.
  • Answers to questions carrying 3 marks should approximately 30-50 words.
  • Answers to questions carrying 5 marks should approximately 75-100 words.


Question 1.

Name any race organized for a particular purpose. 1

Question 2.

Define Carbohydrates. 1

Question 3.

What is Intellectual Disability? 1

Question 4.

What is fine Motor Development? 1

Question 5.

List two effects of Menses. 1

Question 6.

State the Law of Inertia. 1

Question 7.

Define Sprain. 1

Question 8.

Define Projectile. 1

Question 9.

List two tips for management of Abrasion. 1

Question 10.

Stale one objective of Sports Medicine. 1

Question 11.

What do you mean by Endomorph? 3

Question 12.

Discuss the procedure of Vakrasana. 1

Question 13.

Briefly discuss about hypertension. 3

Question 14.

Explain Chair Stand Test for lower body strength. 3

Question 15.

What is the importance of measurement in Physical Education and Sports? 3

Question 16.

Explain the types of axis in brief. 3

Question 17.

Discuss three types of fractures. 3

Question 18.

Explain the aerodynamics principals. 3

Question 19.

My father was facing age-related health problems, specially high blood sugar, obesity and hypertension etc. I discussed with my physical education teacher my fathers’ problem because once he had discussed this topic in my class. He told me that he will meet my father at home. He came and suggested my father to start regular exercise or walking for atleast one hour. My father started regular walking. After few months his above mentioned problems reduced dramatically.

On the basis of the above passage, answer the following questions.

(i) What values are shown by the physical education teacher and the son?

(ii) State common age-related health problems?

(iii) Does physical activity help in maintaining functional fitness of aged population?

Explain in brief. 3

Question 20.

Describe the aim of Intramural & Extramural in detail. 5

Question 21.

Define four mineral and their source in detail. 5

Question 22.

Write an essay on ADHD. 5

Question 23.

Explain five common postural deformities in detail. 5

Question 24.

Give in detail the causes of women low participation in sports. 5

Question 25.

Explain Sheldon’s classification of personality. 5

Question 26.

Elaborate the beneficial impacts of high attitude training in detail. 5


Answer 1.

Runs for specific cause.

Answer 2.

Various substances found in certain foods that provide your body with heat and energy and are made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

Answer 3.

Disability characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behaviors.

Answer 4.

Involves skills of the muscles of the body such as fingers and hands.

Answer 5.

Abnormal bleeding at times, headaches.

Answer 6.

A body will preserve its velocity and direction so long as no force in its motion’s direction acts on it

Answer 7.

Sudden or violent twist or wrench of a joint with stretching or tearing of ligaments.

Answer 8.

Body thrown with some initial velocity, and then allowed to be acted upon by the forces of gravity and possible drag

Answer 9.

Using protective equipment, wash properly.

Answer 10.

To cure from the injury.

Answer 11.

Person with soft round build of body and a high proportion of fat tissue.

Answer 12.

Sit down, legs-stretch on the floor, hands-beside thighs

Bend right, left leg-straight and stretched

Left foot = beside knee, left knee = raised upward.

Answer 13.

Long terms medical condition in which blood pressure in arteries is persistently elevated.

Answer 14.

  • Chair Stand Test:
    • Purpose – to measure leg strength and endurance
    • Equipment Required – folding chair with straight back (height 44 centimeters) without arms rests and a stopwatch
    • Procedure – subject is advised to sit on the chair with arms crossed around the wrists and hands are kept close to the chest. After this the subject stands completely and then reaches again the same sitting position. This activity is repeated for 30 seconds.
    • Scoring – the score is determined by counting the no. of repetition in 30 seconds

Answer 15.

To know about the progress of an athlete, individual centered training program, helps in selection of athletes, to study the development df athletes, motivation of an athlete.

Answer 16.

  • Frontal axis: imaginary line that is running from the side in the frontal plane. Movement in the sagittal plane is around the frontal axis of rotation. For example during flexion and extension of elbow, it is actually rotating around the frontal axis.
  • Sagittal axis: it passes horizontally from posterior to anterior and is formed by the intersection of the sagittal and transverse planes. It intersects the frontal plane at a right angle.
  • Longitudinal axis: it passes vertically from inferior to superior and is formed by the intersection of the sagittal and frontal planes. Movement on the transverse plane take place on the axis e.g. gymnast performing a full spin.

Answer 17.

  • Stress Fracture – they are small cracks even they are difficult to see in x-rays. They caused by the repetitive use of bone and joints.
  • Green Stick Fracture – generally occurs in children. The bone does not break completely. Comminuted Fracture – the bone is broken into small pieces at the site of the fracture.

Answer 18.

Aerodynamics has vital applications in building a better aircraft and sports. It is used in variousgames like basketball, soccer, tennis, athletics, etc. aerodynamics is related to the flow of air around a projectile, which can influence the speed and direction of the object. The best example is aerodynamic head guard in cycling. It is found that every cyclist has to conquer wind resistance. Common bicycles have very poor aerodynamics. Sports ball aerodynamics is related with lateral deflection in flight which is known as swing, swerve or curve. It is well known in basketball, golf, tennis, cricket, volleyball and soccer. In these games the deflection is produced by spinning the ball about an axis perpendicular to the line of flight which generates with Magnus effect that makes the ball curve faster towards the ground than it would under the action of gravity alone.

Answer 19.

  1. The Son is very caring. The physical education teaches is very helpful to people.
  2. High blood sugar, obesity and hypertension are common age-related health problems.
  3. Yes, the son’s father followed the physical education teacher’s advice. After some months he was able to reduce old age-related health problems like high blood sugar, obesity and hypertension to a great extent.

Answer 20.

  • Intramurals: The activities performed within the walls or within the campus of an institution are called intramurals.


    Significant for physical, mental, emotional and social development of students Lays stress on moral and ethnic values


    Personality development



    Major games – volleyball, hockey, cricket, basketball, football etc.

    Minor games – sack race, potato race, shuttle runs, kho-kho, circle games etc.
  • Extramurals


    Provides ample opportunities for schools and children to show their sports capabilities Enhances the standard of sports performance


    To improve the standard of sports Provide experience

Answer 21.

Minute quantities of chemicals are called minerals, vital for the smooth running of the body. Role – salt (maintains electrical balance, source- common salt or milk), calcium (necessary for ossification of bone, formation of teeth, source- milk or cream), iron (composition of hemoglobin, source-meat or eggs), iodine (deficiency leads to goiter, source- sea foods or iodized salt), fluorine (prevents dental decay, source- water or sea fish)

Answer 22.

Adhd (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) – Children with ADHD have differences in the parts of their brains that control attention and activity. ADHD is a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. It includes important functions such as attention, concentration, memory, motivation and effort, learning from mistakes, etc.

Inattention: Hyperactivity – Impulsivity:

Causes of ADHD – Brain function in ADHD, Heredity Symptoms of ADHD – Problem in focusing, Forgetting things

Answer 23.

  • Knock Knees – In this both the knees knock or touch each other in normal standing position. The gap between ankles goes on increasing.
  • Flat Foot – It is found in newly bom babies. Children feel pain in the feet and cannot be efficient sports persons. It becomes a postural deformity if it still persists in the lateral childhood.

    Round Shoulders – It is a postural deformity where shoulders become round and sometimes they seem to be bent forward.
  • Lordosis – It is a deformity of increased forward curve in the lumber region.
  • Kyphosis – It is an increase of backward or posterior curve or a decrease or reversal of a forward curve.

Answer 24.

Less spectators, less media coverage, less woman coaches, lack of transportation facilities, lack of role models.

Answer 25.

As per Sheldon, types of personality could be divided on the basis of physique and temperament, as:

  • Endomorphic – solid, soft, have tendency to store fat, wider and higher waist, shorter with thick limbs, sociable
  • Mesomorphic – large bones and muscles, easily gain or lose weight, assertive, energetic, love adventure
  • Ectomorphic – skinny, light build with small joints and lean muscles

Answer 26.

  • Impacts: At high altitudes the reduced air pressure, oxygen diffuses into red blood cells more slowly.

    To compensate the decreased oxygen, one of the body’s hormone erythropoietin (EPO), triggers the production of more red blood cells to aid in oxygen delivery to the muscles.

    Training at high altitudes results in the production of RBC’s.

    Then athletes head to a competition at lower elevations to take advantage of their changed physiology.
  • Natural blood doping – Idea of taking advantage of the body’s physiological changes at high altitude.

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