Short Paragraph E-Waste Recycling

E-waste (or Electronic waste) recycling is something that we should all be concentrating more on. But, what is e waste recycling? Below, you will find an in depth explanation.

What is e-waste? The e in e-waste stands for electronic. Thus, e waste means electronic waste: electronic products that are no longer needed. These products might include old computers or fax machines, printers or scanners.

Why is it important to recycle e-waste? At the moment only around 80 % of e-waste is estimated to be recycled. However, electronic products contain heavy metals that can be dangerous for the environment. So, it is bad for the environment to throw electronic items into the trash because once they reach landfill, they let these harmful heavy metals soak into the soil, turning it poisonous.

How can e-waste be recycled? Even if an electronic item has stopped working, its constituent parts can still be used, or turned into something useful. Metals can be melted down and turned into something else, plastics can be reused and wires can be incorporated into new circuits. There is a use for almost everything here!

Conclusion: Thus, E-waste recycling is:

  • A pressing issue: very little e waste is currently recycled.
  • Something we should all try and do.
  • Surprisingly easy to do thanks to e waste recycling programs in the community.
  • Better for the environment.
  • A great way to make old electronics useful again.
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