Paragraph on Bhimrao Ambedkar

Paragraph on Bhimrao Ambedkar– Long and Short Paragraphs

The entire nation knows about the legendary “Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar”. He was one of the greatest leaders of India who was more of a social worker, a writer, and an educationist. He always worked for the Social Justice of untouchables and was the one who drafted Indian Constitution. He was like an angel for the poor and low caste people, this is a reason people still worship him like a God. He was a true son of Mother India and this is a reason he was honored with Bharat Ratna, one of the highest civilian awards of India. Educate, Organize and Agitate was his message for his followers.

We have provided below a number of short and long paragraphs on Bhimrao Ambedkar. We hope these Bhimrao Ambedkar paragraphs will help students in completing their school assignments. These will also help school children to write and read out paragraphs with simple words and small sentences. Dear Students, you can select any paragraph on Bhimrao Ambedkar according to your need and requirement.

Long and Short Paragraph on Bhimrao Ambedkar

Paragraph on Bhimrao Ambedkar 1 (100 words)

Indian history is known for numerous legendary heroes and Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was one of them. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born on 14th April 1891. Babasaheb was born in the military cantonment of Mhow near Indore in Madhya Pradesh. His father’s name was Ramji Maloji Sakpal and his mother’s name Bhimabai Murbadkar.

He was the 14th and the last child of his parents. Babasaheb spent his entire life in fighting against the issues like untouchability, Indian caste system and social discrimination towards the lower classes. After independence, Ambedkar became the law minister in the Union Cabinet and was deeply touched by the discrimination prevalent in Indian society on the basis of caste.


Paragraph on Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar 2 (150 words)

Ambedkar Jayanti is celebrated every year in the memory of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar who is known as the Father of the Constitution. He was born on 14th April 1891 in a lower caste family, due to which he had to face discrimination and humiliation at all stages of his life. His entire family including his father Ramji Maloji Sakpal and mother Bhimabai Murbadkar belongs to Marathi background and used to live in the town of Ambavade in Ratnagiri of Maharashtra.

His father was Subedar major in Indian army at Mhow Cantonment. In the year 1916, he got his post-graduate degree in Economics and from there; he started his career as a professor. He dedicated four years of his life to this profession. Due to his strong organizing power, many freedom fighters and leaders were impressed from Ambedkar and therefore Ambedkar made an important place in the history of India.


Paragraph on Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar 3 (200 words)

Ambedkar was an Indian Nationalist, a Buddhist, a political leader, and a jurist. He was the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. He was born in a lower class family on 14th April 1891.  His mother died when he was just five years old.

In 1908, Ambedkar got married at an immature age of 14, to a girl named Ramabai who was nine years old at that time but still, he continued his education and passed the intermediate examination with flying colors. Due to his great interest in studies, Dr. Ambedkar was brilliant from his childhood. His low cast birth made him suffer a lot of discrimination and humiliation in his school. He went to England in 1923 for his higher studies and there, he received the degrees of M.Sc, Ph.D. and DMS law.

Many public institutions are named in his honor including BR Ambedkar Bihar University, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University in Hyderabad etc. He always supported the equality of opportunity irrespective of a person’s caste, color or Creed. He was also touched by the difficulties faced by the laborers and therefore he also organized a separate community for them named as “Savatantara Mazdoor Dal”. With his continuous efforts, he was gaining popularity all over and became the hero of the low caste people.


Paragraph on Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar 4 (250 words)

Baba Saheb was a true Indian hero who always worked for the betterment of the weaker sections of the society. He was born on 14th April 1891 in a Hindu Mahar low caste family of Harijan which were treated as untouchables. Due to this reason he was never given any attention by the teachers in the school.

Also, he was not allowed to sit in the class but apart from these ample of social and financial problems; Ambedkar completed his matriculation examination in 1907. After that, he took admission in the University of Bombay and he was one of those first untouchable persons to enter a college in India. In 1936, Ambedkar established the Independent Labor Party. The party won 15 seats in the elections of 1937. After that, Ambedkar was appointed as the chairman of constitution drafting committee.

Dr. Ambedkar faced discrimination at every walk of his life, starting from his birth till his office. In his office even his peons used to decline him to serve him with the glass of water and when he was surprised to see how wounded his community is, he decided to support his community with the foundation of Bahiskrit Hitkarini Sabha.

He founded it with the motto of creating schools for the untouchables. He created a new agile spirit in the untouchables and advised them to fight for their rights. This way he tried to bring a lot of changes in the life of untouchables and the best thing was that he had the support from the British government.


Paragraph on Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar 5 (300 words)

Lower sections of the Indian society still worship Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar as a God because he was the one who brought them out from the dirty clusters of social embarrassments like untouchability and humiliation. He himself was born in a lower caste family and therefore, he was aware of how the lower section people were humiliated by the upper sections.


Babasaheb was an educationist who was one of those rare lower caste Indians who got admission in an Indian college.

  • He took admission in the Elphinstone College and due to his hard work he got a scholarship of 25 rupees for his studies in the USA.
  • In 1912, his wife gave birth to their first son named Yashwant and in the same year, Ambedkar got his degree in Economics and Political science.
  • The Maharaja of Baroda was extremely impressed by Ambedkar’s talent and therefore he rewarded him with a scholarship for his further studies.

His Works

Untouchability was his main focus and therefore he did a lot of efforts to eradicate the differential treatment given out to the low caste people. To put forth his plan and to turn it into an action he formed “Low cast welfare society” and made people aware and motivated them to fight against the issue of untouchability. He felt that untouchables also deserved to live a graceful life. He also launched Satyagraha on Chandan tank and he succeeded the right to fetch water from the tank.

His birth date 14th April (1891) is celebrated as “Ambedkar Jayanti” and Millions of people pay homage to his Memorial in Mumbai. He also published a book named “Annihilation of caste” and highlighted the discrimination prevailing in the Indian society. His other publications included essays on untouchables and untouchability and Waiting for a Visa. After his death, a memorial was established in his Delhi house.


Paragraph on Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar 6 (350 words)

The hero of Dalits, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, was born on 14th April 1891 in a family of Harijans.  He was not only an exceptional leader but was performed remarkably in his educational career. After completing his studies, he came back to India from England, he was appointed as the Sainik secretary at Baroda but there also he faced a lot of discrimination due to his low caste birth and therefore he left the job.  Then he moved to Bombay to practice law but there also he was constantly facing discrimination and humiliation.

His Works and Achievements

  • In 1930, Ambedkar represented the untouchable’s community in the roundtable and as a result of his dedication and efforts, the Harijans were granted reservations of seats in the elections and in various other sectors.
  • BR Ambedkar founded the “Independent labor party” in 1936. He was free India’s first law minister who was also the chairman of the drafting committee of Indian Constitution. He became the chairman of the constitution on 29th August 1947.
  • He was successful in introducing reservations for the members of lower classes and tribes in government job civil services education and other factors of the society.

Father of the Indian Constitution

Ambedkar believed that it is very important to have Unity in the country among various classes of the society; therefore he focused on the gender, caste and religion equality in the nation. The time he became the chairman of the drafting committee of the Constitution Committee, he studied the constitutions of various countries and gather their good points and assimilated them into Indian Constitution. This is the reason he has called the “Founding Father of Indian Constitution”. People started worshiping him like a God. In his entire life, Ambedkar fought for the upliftment of untouchables and other weaker sections of the society.

Last years

He became a Buddhist during the last days of his life. Since 1948, Ambedkar was suffering from diabetes and in 1954 he had clinical depression and eyesight issues, due to which he was on the bed from June to October. On 6th December 1956, Ambedkar died while sleeping in his home in Delhi. Though he died, he is still alive in the hearts of Indians and his birth date is celebrated every year as “Ambedkar Jayanti”.


Paragraph on Bhimrao Ambedkar 7 (400 words)

Dr. Ambedkar, the Framer of the Constitution of India was born on 14 April 1891 in the town and military cantonment of Mhow, Madhya Pradesh. His father’s name was Ramji Maloji Sakpal who was an army officer and his mother’s name was Bhimabai Sakpal.

Ambedkar was born into a poor low class “Dalit” family who was treated as untouchables in the society. Although Ambedkar attended the school he was treated as an untouchable’s child who was not allowed to sit with other students and he received very little attention or help from his teachers.


  • Apart from these difficulties, he still shined in his studies. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Bombay and then he moved to the United States at the age of 22 years in order to pursue his further studies.
  • He completed his post-graduation education at Columbia University in New York City.

When he came back to India he focused on the eradication of the issues like untouchability and caste discrimination and decided to fight against the caste discrimination that afflicted him throughout his career.

His Efforts

  • He founded many organizations, movements, and committees in the favor of untouchables and other marginalized communities.
  • He brought the idea of reservations for Dalits in various sectors like education, government jobs etc. He discovered various ways to make people aware of the social evils and their effects and one’s right to equality and freedom.
  • Babasaheb founded the Independent labor party in 1936 and also published his book named “Annihilation of caste” in the same year.

He had done so many initiatives to transform the way India looks today. Words cannot adequately express the efforts done by BR Ambedkar for the upliftment of the weaker sections of the society and to save them from the humiliation and embarrassment.


He believed that an individual deserves equality and freedom irrespective of his caste, color, and creed. Due to his philosophies, he is still alive in the hearts of millions of people. In fact, many Institutions are named after him in his honor, including Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport in Nagpur, Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar etc.

He was also honored with Bharat Ratna, which is one of the highest civilian awards of India. His birth date is celebrated as “Ambedkar Jayanti” every year and millions of people pay gratitude to him for his work.



Related Information:
Essay on Ambedkar Jayanti

Essay on Bhimrao Ambedkar

Speech on Ambedkar Jayanti

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