NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 14 Practical Geometry Ex 14.4

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 14 Practical Geometry Ex 14.4, are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 14 Practical Geometry Ex 14.4.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 14 Practical Geometry Ex 14.4

Question 1.

Draw any line segment (overline { AB }) . Mark any point M on it. Through M draw a perpendicular to (overline { AB }). (use ruler and compasses).

Solution :

Step 1. Given a point M on any line (overline { AB }).

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Step 2. With M as centre and a convenient radius, construct a part circle (arc) intersecting the line segment (overline { AB }) at two points C and D.

Step 3. With C and D as centres and a radius greater than CM, construct two arcs which cut each other at N.

Step 4. Join (overline { MN }). Then (overline { MN }) is perpendicular to (overline { AB }) at M, i.e., (overline { MN }) (overline { AB }).

Question 2.

Draw any’line segment (overline { PQ }). Take any point R not on it. Through R draw a perpendicular to (overline { PQ }). (use ruler and set-square).

Solution :

Step 1. Let (overline { PQ }) be the given line segment and R be a point not on it.

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Step 2. Place a set-square on (overline { PQ }) such that one arm of the right angle aligns along (overline { PQ }).

Step 3. Place a ruler along the edge opposite of the right angle.

Step 4. Hold the ruler fixed. Slide the set-square along the ruler all the point R touches the arm of the set-square.

Step 5. Join RS along the edge through R, meeting (overline { PQ }) at S. Now (overline { RS }) (overline { PQ }).

Question 3.

Draw a line l and a point X on it. Through X, draw a line segment (overline { XY }) perpendicular to l. Now draw a perpendicular to XY at Y. (use ruler and compasses)

Solution :

Step 1. Given a point X on a line l.

Step 2. With X as centre and a convenient radius, construct a part circle (arc) intersecting the line l at two points A and B.

Step 3. With A and B as centres and a radius greater than AX, construct two arcs which cut each other at Y.

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Step 4. Join (overline { XY }). Then (overline { XY }) is perpendicular to l atX, i.e., (overline { XY }) l.

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 14 Practical Geometry Ex 14.4, help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 14 Practical Geometry Ex 14.4, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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