NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 1 Knowing Our Numbers Ex 1.3

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 1 Knowing Our Numbers Ex 1.3, are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 1 Knowing Our Numbers Ex 1.3.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 1 Knowing Our Numbers Ex 1.3

Question 1.

Estimate each of the following using general rule:

(a) 730 + 998

(b) 796 – 314

(c) 12,904 + 2,888

(d) 28,292 – 21,496

Make ten more such examples of addition, subtraction and estimation of their outcome.

Solution :

(a) 730 + 998 = 700 + 1000 = 1700

(b) 796 – 314 = 800 – 300 = 500

(c) 12,904 + 2,888 = 13,000 + 3,000 = 16,000

(d) 28,292 – 21,496 = 28,000 – 21,000 = 7,000

Ten more such examples of addition, subtraction and estimation of their outcome are as follows:

Ex. 1.720 + 990

Ex. 2.640 + 880

Ex. 3. 749 + 740

Ex. 4.890 – 420

Ex. 5.680 – 370

Ex. 6.585 – 220

Ex. 7.10803 + 3777

Ex. 8.15663 + 2125

Ex. 9. 30990 – 21660

Ex. 10. 40870-19530

Solution :

1. 720 + 990 = 700 + 1000 = 1700

2. 640 + 880 = 600 + 900 = 1500

3. 749 + 740 = 700 + 700 = 1400

4. 890 – 420 = 900 – 400 = 500

5. 680 – 370 = 700 – 400 = 300

6. 585 – 220 = 600 – 200 = 400

7. 10803 + 3777 = 11000 + 4000 = 15000

8. 15663 + 2125 = 16000 + 2000 = 18000

9. 30990 – 21660 = 31000 – 22000 = 9000

10. 40870 – 19530 = 41000 – 20000 = 21000

Question 2.

Give a rough estimate (by rounding off to nearest hundreds) and also a closer estimate (by rounding off to nearest tens):

(a) 439 + 334 4,317

(b) 1,08,734 – 47,599

(c) 8,325 – 491

(d) 4,89,348-48,365 Make four more such examples.

Solution :


  • Rough estimate (Rounding off to nearest hundreds)

    439 + 334 + 4317

    = 400 + 300 + 4,300 = 5000
  • Closer estimate (Rounding off to nearest tens) 439 + 334 + 4317

    = 440 + 330 + 4,320 = 5,090.


  • Rough estimate (Rounding off to nearest hundreds) 1,08,734 – 47,599

    = 1,08,700 – 47,600 = 61,100
  • Closer estimate (Rounding off to nearest tens) 1,08,734 – 47,599

    = 1,08,730 – 47,600 = 61,130.


  • Rough estimate (Rounding off to nearest hundreds) 8325 – 491

    = 8300 – 500 = 7800
  • Closer estimate (Rounding off to nearest tens)

    8325 – 491

    = 8330 – 490 = 7840.


  • Rough estimate (Rounding off to nearest hundreds)

    4,89,348 – 48,365

    = 4,89,300 – 48,400 = 4,40,900
  • Closer estimate (Rounding off to nearest tens)

    4,89,348 – 48,365

    = 4,89,350 – 48,370 = 4,40,980

Four more such examples are as follows:

1. 538 + 432 + 5326

2. 2,09, 849 – 57,698

3. 9426 – 395

4. 5,98,459 – 36,463 Sol.

solution :

1. 538 + 432 + 5326

= 500 + 400 + 5300

(Rough estimate Rounding off to nearest hundreds)

= 6200

538 + 432 + 5326

= 540 + 430 + 5330

(Closer estimate Rounding off to nearest tens) = 6300

2. 2,09,849 – 57.698

= 2.09.800 – 57,700

(Rough estimate Rounding off to nearest hun-dreds)

=152100 2,09, 849 – 57,698

= 2,09, 850 – 57,700

(Closer estimate Rounding off to nearest tens) =152150

3. 9426-395

= 9400 – 400 ..

(Rough estimate Rounding off to nearest hundreds)

= 9000 9426 – 395

= 9430 – 400

(Closer estimate Rounding off to nearest tens) = 9030

4. 5,98,459 – 36,463

= 5,98,500 – 36,500

(Rough estimate Rounding off to nearest hundreds)

= 5,62,000 5,98,459 – 36,463

= 5,98,460 – 36,460

(Closer estimate Rounding off to nearest tens) = 5,62,000

Question 3.

Estimate the following products using the general rule:

(a) 578 ×161

(b) 5281 × 3491

(c) 1291 × 592

(d) 9250 × 29

Make four more such examples.

Solution :

(a) 578 × 161

Estimated product = 600 × 200 = 1,20,000

(b) 5281 × 3491

Estimated product = 5000 × 3500 = 1,75,00,000

(c) 1291 × 592

Estimated product = 1300 × 600 = 7,80,000

(d) 9250 × 29

Estimated product = 10000 × 30 = 3,00,000

Four more such examples are:

1. 678 × 261

2. 4271 × 4391

3. 2391 × 629

4. 8250 × 39

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 1 Knowing Our Numbers Ex 1.3, help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 1 Knowing Our Numbers Ex 1.3, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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