Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation – 2 Essays

Importance of Tree Plantation – Essay 1

Tree plantation refers to the practice of planting trees with the aim of increasing them in terms of number and therefore population.

Tree plantation has grown to become the responsibility of not one, but all citizens of a country as its benefits are enjoyed by all. The opposite of tree plantation is the cutting down of trees which lead to dire consequences equally suffered by all.

Tree plantation prevents soil erosion because trees will eventually act as windbreakers therefore prevent soil erosion. It also holds soil together and therefore a firm ground. Trees attract rainfall and this makes tree plantation a very important activity.

Tree plantation provides a solution against global warming. This benefits human beings as they are spared from the effects of global warming and they are therefore able to lead long healthy lives.

The planting of trees provides a balance for when trees are cut down for fuel purposes as well as architectural projects. It also ensures that wild animals have a habitat and therefore their existence is not threatened. It helps maintain the beauty of the land area, an important part of earth as home for man.

Tree plantation also ensures that there is shade to shelter people from the scorching sun when the tree finally grows tall.

Thus, tree plantation therefore plays a important role in the life of all living things including plants and animals.

Importance of Tree Plantation – Essay 2

Tree plantation is a process of planting tree seedlings in order to reclaim the greenery and forestry in an area.

Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air in the presence of sunlight to make glucose and release oxygen in return. In the process trees can also absorb other harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide. A large tree can supply oxygen for up to 4 people a day.

Trees hold the soil intact

Trees bind to the soil and act like glue to keep the topsoil intact. This minimizes erosion of fertile soil during heavy rainfall especially on the hillsides and slopes.

Planting trees adds community and social value

Trees have shown to decrease the temperature of the city by at least 10F by shading streets and homes. It can give a neighborhood friendly atmosphere, new identity and civic pride.

With trees planted the air quality in the locality improves

Trees improve air quality in the nearby area about 100 feet from where they are planted. In urban areas where there is significant human and animal populations, tree plantation will help to oxygenate and cool the air down.

Planting trees supports wildlife

Depending on where you live, trees attract butterflies, moths, caterpillars, birds, and squirrels. It provides habitat for wildlife and helps them thrive for years to come.

Planting fruit trees offers nutritious food

If one plants fruit trees, they can produce lot of fruits every year with minimum investment. This can offer nutritious and fully ripen fruits that are way better to consume than store-bought fruits.

Tree plantation helps to remove dust and pollutants

Trees keep the soil moist which decreases the formation of dust. Also they trap dust, smoke, pollen, and pollutants by their leaves in the area. Research shows that plants can reduce vehicle pollution by 2%.

Moderates the climate- effects of sun, wind and rain

Trees balance the harsh climates through transpiration in summer, as a barrier in winter and moons. A full-fledged tree can offer good microclimate for other plants and vegetation.

Planting trees helps to improve the soil quality

As trees drop leaves and twigs, they decay and form nitrogenous organic fertilizer. This increases the soil fertility and encourages soil micros and worms to thrive.

Big and majestic trees provide canopy

Well-grown trees offer canopy where people can place tie their hammocks, have resting benches and have leisure time.

Planting trees can offer commercial value for your property

The surveys show that planting trees can increase the value of homes in an area. A homeowner can benefit from planting trees as he or her can sell the property at a higher price. If there are good number of trees in the park area, it has shown to increase the value of the area by %10.

With trees noise pollution is curbed

Depending on the tree species, height and how lush the branches and leaves are, trees reduce noise pollution in the city. These act as a barrier and absorb the sound waves.

Trees help to maintain groundwater level

Trees such as banyan, margosa, and Thespesia populnea hold flowing water by their huge roots and direct them into the ground. This decreases water outflow and recharges the water table in the area.

Trees relax a person and support mental health

Nature-based activities have shown to support mental health. Both act of planting trees and having them around can transform an urban area. Spending time around trees lowers a person’s blood pressure, relieves stress and supports his or her overall wellbeing.

Trees offer play space for kids

Kids can climb up into the branches, hide around them, read books, and play other adventure games.

Tree plantation can be a lifelong investment if done properly. Getting a planted tree off to a healthy start with right care can offer environmental, social and economic benefits for a long time.

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