Brief note on Origin and Description of the Moon

Origin and Description of the Moon

Origin: There are differences of opinion about the origin of the moon. Recent experiments during the expeditions on the moon have revealed that the moon is contemporary to the earth, i.e., the age of this satellite is also around 450o million years.

The scientists have the notion that like our earth, the moon was also created out of some explosion in some Nebula or the condensed cloud of a huge star.

Description of the moon: The curiosities of man and outstanding development in science have made it possible to land on this satellite. From expeditions we have come to know much about the moon. It has been found that there is no trace of water or atmospheric air or living world on the surface different sizes of stones are found in scattered way, and like the creator of a volcano so many big and small holes are found. Though there is no water in such holes, yet those have been named as the sea of storm, the sea of cloud, the sea of rain, etc.

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