June Drop Information: What Causes June Fruit Drop

Person Standing In Fallen June Fruits

Image by Straitel

If you are just getting started with a home orchard, you may be very upset to see miniature apples, plums, or other fruits scattered beneath your healthy trees in May and June. This is actually a common phenomenon called June fruit drop. What is June drop? What causes it? A combination of factors results in your fruit falling off trees in June. Read on for more June drop information.

What is June Drop?

June drop on fruit trees refers to the tendency of different
types of fruit trees to drop immature fruit in springtime, usually around May
or June. Although this is sometimes called May drop, it is usually known as
June fruit drop.

The primary (and usually only) symptom of June fruit drop is
immature fruit falling off trees
. This can happen in apple and
citrus trees and also in stone fruit like plums. The causes can be anything
from Mother Nature at work to improper pollination.

June Drop Information

Fruit trees have many more flowers in springtime than mature
fruit during harvest. In fact, if 100 percent of the blossoms on an apple tree
turned into big, ripe apples, it would likely break all of the tree’s branches
with the weight.

This is one of the reasons gardeners thin out fruit. It is a process of reducing the clusters of small, immature fruit in order to give the healthiest fruit room to grow and mature. According to experts, only one in ten apple tree blossoms should be permitted to turn into fruit.

Mother Nature does this thinning process also, just in case
you forget. Some part of June drop on fruit trees is just that: nature’s way of
thinning out the fruit to give the remaining fruit room to grow. That is a good
thing and helps make sure that your fruit can mature into full-size, juicy

Pollination and June Fruit Drop

One other possible cause of June fruit drop is poor or
inadequate pollination. Pollination
is necessary for fruit to set, and this involves the transfer of pollen from
one blossom to another.

If your tree is self-fertile, the pollen transfer can be between blossoms on the one tree. However, many cultivars require another tree of a compatible species for pollination. In either case, you can assist pollination by planting a different compatible species tree within shouting distance of your tree.

Another possible reason for inadequate pollination is too
little insect activity. Many fruit trees rely on insects, like bees, to carry
pollen from one flower to the next. If there aren’t any insects around, there
is little pollination.

You need to actively encourage
these beneficial insects
into your garden and orchard. You can do
this by planting nectar-rich wildflowers that naturally attract bees and other
insects. You should also stop using pesticides that kill helpful insects as
well as insect pests.

This article was last updated on 09/20/21
Read more about General Fruit Care

If you are just getting started with a home orchard, you may be very upset to see miniature apples, plums, or other fruits scattered beneath your healthy trees in May and June. This is actually a common phenomenon called June fruit drop. What is June drop? What causes it? A combination of factors results in your fruit falling off trees in June. Read on for more June drop information.

What is June Drop?

June drop on fruit trees refers to the tendency of different
types of fruit trees to drop immature fruit in springtime, usually around May
or June. Although this is sometimes called May drop, it is usually known as
June fruit drop.

The primary (and usually only) symptom of June fruit drop is
immature fruit falling off trees
. This can happen in apple and
citrus trees and also in stone fruit like plums. The causes can be anything
from Mother Nature at work to improper pollination.

June Drop Information

Fruit trees have many more flowers in springtime than mature
fruit during harvest. In fact, if 100 percent of the blossoms on an apple tree
turned into big, ripe apples, it would likely break all of the tree’s branches
with the weight.

This is one of the reasons gardeners thin out fruit. It is a process of reducing the clusters of small, immature fruit in order to give the healthiest fruit room to grow and mature. According to experts, only one in ten apple tree blossoms should be permitted to turn into fruit.

Mother Nature does this thinning process also, just in case
you forget. Some part of June drop on fruit trees is just that: nature’s way of
thinning out the fruit to give the remaining fruit room to grow. That is a good
thing and helps make sure that your fruit can mature into full-size, juicy

Pollination and June Fruit Drop

One other possible cause of June fruit drop is poor or
inadequate pollination. Pollination
is necessary for fruit to set, and this involves the transfer of pollen from
one blossom to another.

If your tree is self-fertile, the pollen transfer can be between blossoms on the one tree. However, many cultivars require another tree of a compatible species for pollination. In either case, you can assist pollination by planting a different compatible species tree within shouting distance of your tree.

Another possible reason for inadequate pollination is too
little insect activity. Many fruit trees rely on insects, like bees, to carry
pollen from one flower to the next. If there aren’t any insects around, there
is little pollination.

You need to actively encourage
these beneficial insects
into your garden and orchard. You can do
this by planting nectar-rich wildflowers that naturally attract bees and other
insects. You should also stop using pesticides that kill helpful insects as
well as insect pests.

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