Giant Of Italy Parsley: How To Grow Italian Giant Parsley Herbs

Bundles Of Italian Parsley Herbs

Image by vkara

Giant of Italy plants (aka ‘Italian Giant’) are big, bushy plants that produce huge, dark green leaves with a rich, strong flavor. Giant of Italy plants are biennial in USDA plant hardiness zones 5 to 9. This means it grows the first year and blooms the second. It often reseeds itself to return year after year.

Uses for Italian Giant parsley are many and chefs frequently
prefer this flat-leaf
over standard curled parsley in salads, soups, stews, and sauces.
In the garden, this lovely plant attracts a variety of beneficial
, including black
swallowtail butterfly larvae
. Giant of Italy parsley care and growing isn’t
complicated. Read on to learn how.

How to Grow Italian Giant Parsley

Plant Giant of Italy parsley seeds indoors or start them
directly in the garden in spring, when danger of frost has passed. You can also
grow Giant of Italy plants in large containers. Seeds generally germinate
in 14 to 30 days.

Giant of Italy plants grow in full sun and are more heat
tolerant than curly parsley, but afternoon shade is beneficial in climates
where summers are hot. Soil should be moist, fertile, and well-drained for
successful Giant of Italy parsley growing. If your soil is poor, dig in a
generous amount of well-rotted manure or compost.

Water plants as needed to keep the soil consistently moist
but never soggy. A layer of mulch
will conserve moisture and help keep weeds in check. If growing in containers
during hot, dry weather, they may need water daily.

Giant of Italy parsley care may also include fertilization. Feed
the plants once or twice through the growing season using a water-soluble
fertilizer. You can also dig in a little compost or apply a fish
emulsion fertilizer
. Snip leaves as needed throughout the growing season or
whenever the plants begin to look shaggy.

This article was last updated on 11/11/21
Read more about Parsley

Giant of Italy plants (aka ‘Italian Giant’) are big, bushy plants that produce huge, dark green leaves with a rich, strong flavor. Giant of Italy plants are biennial in USDA plant hardiness zones 5 to 9. This means it grows the first year and blooms the second. It often reseeds itself to return year after year.

Uses for Italian Giant parsley are many and chefs frequently
prefer this flat-leaf
over standard curled parsley in salads, soups, stews, and sauces.
In the garden, this lovely plant attracts a variety of beneficial
, including black
swallowtail butterfly larvae
. Giant of Italy parsley care and growing isn’t
complicated. Read on to learn how.

How to Grow Italian Giant Parsley

Plant Giant of Italy parsley seeds indoors or start them
directly in the garden in spring, when danger of frost has passed. You can also
grow Giant of Italy plants in large containers. Seeds generally germinate
in 14 to 30 days.

Giant of Italy plants grow in full sun and are more heat
tolerant than curly parsley, but afternoon shade is beneficial in climates
where summers are hot. Soil should be moist, fertile, and well-drained for
successful Giant of Italy parsley growing. If your soil is poor, dig in a
generous amount of well-rotted manure or compost.

Water plants as needed to keep the soil consistently moist
but never soggy. A layer of mulch
will conserve moisture and help keep weeds in check. If growing in containers
during hot, dry weather, they may need water daily.

Giant of Italy parsley care may also include fertilization. Feed
the plants once or twice through the growing season using a water-soluble
fertilizer. You can also dig in a little compost or apply a fish
emulsion fertilizer
. Snip leaves as needed throughout the growing season or
whenever the plants begin to look shaggy.

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