What does “Less is More” mean?

Less is more may sound like a total contradiction in terms. Less and more are atonyms (i.e. words which have an opposite meaning to each other), so how can less be more? However, when we look at this phrase a little deeper, we can see that it does in fact have a significant meaning.

The meaning of less is more. The phrase less is more means that we can sometimes achieve more things if we do less. This maxim can be applied to numerous different circumstances. For instance, when it comes to writing an efficient report, too many words can actually cloud the issue and make the report difficult to understand. Instead, we should use a smaller number of very carefully chosen words: here, less is more.

Another example is when we are getting ready for a special occasion. We can make a more striking effect with our outfit if we use just a few carefully chosen pieces of jewelry rather than draping ourselves in every item we own.

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