Speech on Indian Education System

Long and Short Speech on Indian Education System in English in simple and easy words

Indian Education System is much talked about these days because our central education minister and our government is putting in relentless efforts to make our education system one of the best in the global arena. Making a shift from rote learning to innovative, state-of-the-art classroom learning techniques so that our students can have an experience of the lifetime, but still we have a long way to go. In fact, you can also put across or give voice to your thoughts by preparing and delivering a speech on the Indian Education System.

Long and Short Speech on Indian Education System in English

If you don’t know how to prepare an effective speech and are not able to gather enough thoughts, then no need to worry because on this platform you would find both short speech on Indian Education System as well as long speech on Indian Education System which are comprehensive and easy to understand. You are here provided with variety of Indian Education System speeches:

Speech on Indian Education System 1

Warm Greetings of the Day Ladies and Gentlemen!

As you all know we have gathered today to discuss our Indian Education System and what all prospects it holds for our students and of course also for the students flying in from abroad. If we trace its roots, we will realize that our modern education system is not actually our own, but has been taken from the west. The Indian modern-day education in India came with the Britishers who were accompanied with the Christian missionaries. What these Christian missionaries did was that they founded various schools for imparting secular education to the Indian natives and also to draw them towards Christianity.

If we were to go back to the ancient history of the Indian education system, we would realize that it was founded based on the gurukula system wherein the emphasis was laid down on the direct relationship between the guru or what we call in modern times the teacher and his sisya or pupil. This form of education system laid stress on living an austere life and the study revolved around gaining the knowledge of Vedic literature. It was largely dedicated to the teaching of philosophy, theology and philology. It was an all-inclusive education system branching out from spirituality and philosophy to the study of the art of war and stressing on good moral values and a healthy lifestyle.

Education was imparted on the basis of Varna. Both the women folk and sudras were deprived of the education system and vocational courses, if any, were meant for the old members of the community and families. During the medieval period, the ‘madarsa’ system prevailed which much dominated the educational system at that time. The schools were largely madarsas and pathshalas, which were functional, under the supervision of the maulvis, chiefly for the Muslim students and under the supervision of the Brahmin priests for Hindu students respectively.

There was seriously no change observed in the thinking of the people towards education during that period mainly because both the Hindus and the Muslims were still holding on to their traditional outlook and laid emphasis on philosophical as well as religious education instead of secular education.


However, we should also not forget that it’s only post 17th century that secular education gained a huge impetus in Western Europe and it was not until 19th century that the idea of scientific knowledge came to the forefront.

Whatever the case is, the present education system in India is still not fortified enough to provide its youth with enough job opportunities. The education system is still confined to its classroom teaching and is not well equipped to offer its students a great practical learning experience so much so that when they complete their education they are able to earn their livelihood without facing any obstacles. The education system needs to remain grounded to reality and concomitant with the present market demand so that the students can become revenue generators and not a liability on their immediate family. This is all from my side.

Thank You!


Speech on Indian Education System 2

Dear All – A very warm good afternoon!

I – Aditya Khare – am your host for today and before we begin discussing about Indian Education System please allow me to welcome our esteemed guest, Mr. ………., for gracing our ceremony with his presence. Ladies and gentleman, for those of you who don’t know he is the head of the education department in Delhi University. Words will fall short of their meaning if I happen to describe his achievements in the field of education, but it cannot go without a special mention that he is constantly striving to make our Indian Education System free from all flaws and accessible to all its young, talented pool of students.

We have not assembled today to praise our Indian Education System because it is still too far from being the best education provider globally. Therefore, let us discuss the main concerns related with our current education system, in what ways we can overcome them so that our students can derive the maximum benefit out of it and it can be given its due value both on national as well as international platform.


I believe that the current education system has failed to meet the expectations of its students in terms of giving them due employment upon finishing their education. There is no connection between the education being imparted to our students and the employment opportunities available in the outside world. As a result of which, the students find themselves unable to cope with the situation and get dejected. However, in recent times both the central as well as the state governments have begun paying attention to this serious challenge and are trying to bridge the gap between the two.

Progress in the field of education has been really dismal. Our government only spends 3.85% of the GDP on education and millions of students still do not get the opportunity to enroll themselves in school even though the mark of improvement in the gross enrollment ratio. Post independence, it was believed that the education system in India requires an overall improvement in terms of the present day needs and fast changing technology.

As previously there was no connection found between the education being imparted in our classrooms and employment opportunities present outside, the experts have set a keen eye on the syllabus and the framework of the Indian education system so much so that these can be adapted to the changing needs of the contemporary times. This would result in gaining better job prospects and we as a nation would then be able to keep a check on the problem of ‘brain-drain’’ and ensure that both the personal interest of the student and the national students can go hand in hand.

We should understand that the fate of our nation depends on our youth and if they are empowered no one can stop our nation from growing and accomplishing new heights on a global platform. In the end, I would request our hon’ble chief guest to come on stage and say a few words in this regard.

Thank You!


Speech on Indian Education System 3

Hello Everyone – Welcome to the 51st annual educational conference at our ……….. Institute!

I couldn’t have been happier than now on the successful completion of our 50th annual conferences. It is clearly a sign of growth of our institute because with every passing year we are trying to make improvements and putting relentless efforts to better equip students with all the requisite knowledge and skills.

This conference is going to be little different this time because we will discuss about the Indian Education System as a whole which is a matter of great concern for everyone. To our dismay, our Indian education system is rooted in rote learning where students are bogged down under the load of books and higher the marks a student scores the brighter are the chances of him/her securing a good job in a good company. But let me ask you to what extent is this a fair criterion of selection because marks on the score cards do not dictate everything. There is much more to it in a student than just grades and marks. We also need to evaluate a student on the basis of his creative ability and other level of aptitude. For instance, whereas one student may be good in Mathematics; another student may have inclination towards painting and perhaps would want to become a painter.

The gross mistake we commit is when we start drawing a comparison between two individuals who are born with different abilities and potentials. Evaluating a student only on the basis of preconceived notions, such as if he/she is good at Mathematics or Science or English and not on the basis of his/her areas of interests, which could be playing cricket, football, table tennis, or may be singing, dancing, etc. should always be discouraged. We should let the talent grow in our country and provide it the best possible environment to thrive only then will we as a nation be able to make our country proud globally.

Besides harnessing talent in our country, it is also very important to impart education to every section of society irrespective of caste, class, gender and race. If each and every citizen of our country is educated, they would we be able to awaken their minds to the mysteries and wonders of the world. This way they would be able to free themselves from the chains of superstition, doubt and root out all the social evils which are plaguing our society and degenerating the mindset of our people. Providing education to every section of our society is important because it will then help train their reasoning ability and sharpen their intellectual level to help them logically reason everything and do not get carried away by illogical or false promises of the ruling classes. In short, it would make them cultured, civilized and benign citizens of a proud nation.

Now, I would request our audience to freely share their thoughts and concerns with us and thank you for being such a patient listener!


Speech on Indian Education System 4

Greetings of the day one and all – I hope this day finds you in the best of spirits!

Welcome to the speech ceremony of today. The speech topic for today is the Indian Education System. I, Sakshi Kalra, am your host for today and believe that you all have got to say something since we all are a product of this system. There are some positives as well as some negatives too. The importance of education can never be undermined for in the words of Lord Brougham, “Education makes people easy to lead, but difficult to drive, easy to govern, but impossible to enslave”. This statement holds so true because in the absence of education a man is just reduced to an animal-like existence.

Have you ever seen a flock of sheep? How it is herded and needed to be taken care of? Likewise, a man without education can be compared to a flock of sheep which can only be herded. Education is really important to civilize a man and help him think rationally otherwise he will be reduced to a mere savage. Do you know from where the word education is derived? It is taken from the Latin word, which means to “draw out”. True education therefore implies honing our mental faculties which are so important for leading a meaningful existence.

However, there are several lapses in our education system so let us know what needs to be changed in it. Since the beginning there have been quite a lot of inconsistencies or flaws in our education system and until this time we have not been able to cleanse our education system of these inconsistencies. In fact, Rabindranath Tagore once wrote a long article about how the education system in India can be ameliorated. Only a few changes have been observed since the colonial era. Many IIMs, IITs, law schools and other learning centers of excellence have been opened up where students are able to score 90% marks so much so that even students with more than 90 percent of marks are finding it so difficult to get admission in a good college and most importantly in the colleges of their choice.

Sadly, rote learning is still prevalent in our system where students study just to fair well in exams and sometimes to clear such exams like AIIMS, IIT JEE or CLAT. The Britishers founded education system in our country with a view to create civil servants and clerks and more or less the pattern is still the same.  The students prepare for bank exams, civil service exams and even to get into a good engineering or medical college. We still have good learning centers, schools and colleges but their numbers are still less in comparison to thousands of mediocre or unaffiliated educational institutes which are just money making businesses and spoiling the lives of many students.

Concrete measures are required to be taken in order to improve our education system so that students enjoy in their entire journey of learning and do not consider it as a sheer burden.

Cheers Friends!



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