Short Essay on Postman

Postman – Short Essay 1.

A postman is a person who is assigned or hired by a governmental or private company to deliver the specific items, cards or other important stuff at every person’s home. He collects the postal deliveries from the distribution point of the post office, ready to be delivered and goes from door to door and delivers them. He is basically a delivery guy, and it’s his job. He gets paid for it.

History of a Postman

It was first basically used by the princes when they deliver invitation letters or cards to other kings or rulers with the help of a specific person with time companies and organizations developed, and they build a whole team for delivering stuff nationally and internationally.

The arrival of the postman used to be looked forward to in the past because he would bring letters and news from the dear ones living in far off places. There would be good news about being accepted in a college or a job or birthday wishes in the form of greeting cards.

In earlier times the postman also doubled up as a translator or the reader or writer of letters for people who were illiterate. In those times the postman held some power over people.

The new role of a Postman

With the arrival of the internet, there are very few such occasions for a postman to be delivering happiness, even parcels come from Amazon now! A postman’s role is reduced to that of providing bills or some official documents.

Items a Postman Delivers

There is a long list of stuff that postman delivers:

  • Letters
  • Parcels
  • Heavy objects
  • Clothes
  • Gifts
  • posts

Advantages of a Postman

There are many advantages of the postman. If a person is away from his friends or relatives, then invitation cards and wedding gifts are delivered to him by special service. You don’t miss out on anything. Everything is in reach of a person even if he is far.


So every person has its importance in society. Postman is a very vital part of our country, and we cannot run our daily chores without them. We all should respect a postman and acknowledge his work.

Postman – Short Essay 2

postman is a person hired by a private company or a governmental organization to deliver items to specific homes. A postman delivers items such as letters, parcels, clothes and gifts. He collects the items from the distribution point of the post office and goes from door to door delivering them.

Advantages of being a postman include;

  • Uniforms are offered, which is helpful since you will get uniforms for all kinds of weather.
  • Postal workers have it pretty good as because of the long term stability of their jobs, they are also part of a labour union hence they have India has a national holiday to celebrate the postal services.
  • There will be postal jobs for many years to come since even though people do online shopping, they still send the items via mail,the India Post is the most active network in the world.

Disadvantages of being a postman include;

  • You have to deliver mail in all kinds of weather this includes in the old and in the rainy season.
  • It’s tiresome since you have to get up very early in the morning to start you rounds or you won’t get all your deliveries done.
  • You have to work every day except Sundays and during


postman is a vital part of the society in India and people cannot run their daily chore without them. India has the largest postal network in the world and that is why the job is a lucky charm for citizens.

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