Short Essay on Good Habits

Human’s life is a bundle of habits. A good person acquires a number of good habits. A good person is in the habit of speaking the truth. He is straightforward in his dealings with others and obliging to his fellowmen. He judges others charitably and treats even his servants kindly.

A bad person is one who has contracted vicious habits, who does not hesitate to tell a lie or to cheat others, who treats others rudely, who speaks ill of others, and who thinks only of his own interests. Some call habits ‘the second nature’ but it is, in fact, stronger than nature.

Habits determine the character and personality of a man. Habits are easily formed, but they can be cast off only with great difficulty. This is one of the laws of human nature. Good habits can be formed only by successfully resisting temptation.

How habits are formed?
Habits are formed by repetition. If a man rises early in the morning, say at 4 am in the morning, he will get into the habit of rising early. The habit will be so strong that he would wake exactly at that hour, even though he goes be bed at 1 am in the morning. All our habits, good or bad, are formed by repetition. When a man does something wrong, he should beware of repeating it, for then a bad habit is sure to take root, though he might not be conscious of it. Once the habits are formed, it is difficult to shake them off. Hence habit is called the second nature.

It should be remembered that formation of habits is slow and imperceptible. Bad habits are dangerous and one does not generally realize the full extent of the danger, till it is too late. Guardians and teachers should carefully watch what habits are being acquired by the boys whom they have to look after.

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