Paragraph on books are our best friends

Man cannot live alone. He needs friends. Something he loves must. Therefore, he likes to live in the company of men or in the company of animals. There are some who love the company of Nature. There are also those who loved the company of…

Gupta Empire (Gupta Dynasty Kings)

Gupta Empire It was in 320 A.D. when the Gupta Dynasty came to prominence, a new era of imperial unity started again. The period which intervened between the fall of the Kushanas and the rise of the Gupta Empire is called ‘Dark Age’ in…

Public Finance in India

Public finance means the financial transactions of the government. Under the federal structure, the financial relationship between the union government and the state governments are based on the principle of federal Finance. The Indian…

Sources of Industrial Finance in India

Introduction By industrial finance we mean the organization of various types of finance needed by industries for their activities connected with the production of goods and services. Production activities include construction of buildings,…

Career of Asaf Jah

The founder of the Hyderabad state was Asaf Jah (also Mir Qamar-Ud-din Chin Quiz Khan). Emperor Farrukshyiar conferred on him the high sounding title of Nizam-ul-Mulk, meaning ‘Deputy of the whole empire’. Asaf Jah became the governor of…

What is a Family?

The family may be defined as a basic fundamental, and the smallest social grouping, the members of which are united by bonds of kinship. In its simplest form, the primary or elementary family, it consists of two matured adults of opposite…

Causes of Industrial Disputes in India

Industrial disputes refer to the conflicts between employers and workers. These conflicts take various forms of protest from the workers side like strikes, demonstrations, rally, etc. From the employer’s side, these disputes may take the…

Summary of Enterprise by Nissim Ezekiel

Introduction The poem “Enterpirse” by Nissim Ezekiel, a modern neo-symbolist poet in Anglo-Indian poetry, treats a quite interesting enterprise, often hindered or hampered, to reach ultimately to no satisfactory goal. Investing the said…

Short Essay on Unrest among Students in India

There is today a lot of unrest and indiscipline among Students in India. Why so? Well, the world of students is something like a bee-hive. Bees like to produce honey. But honey cannot be produced without juice. Bees move from flower to…