Why the Second Anglo Sikh War did take place?

Introduction The Second Anglo-Sikh War (1848-49) took place between the British and the Sikh Empire. The war resulted into decisive victory of the British. The British took control over Punjab and later made it the North West Frontier…

Essay on Democracy in India

India is the largest democratic country in the world. Democracy is defined as a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Democracy is considered the finest form of government in which every individual participates…

Rajput Kingdoms (Rajput Empire)

Principal Rajput Kingdoms At the time of Muslim invasions the whole of Northern India was divided into a large number of Rajput Kingdoms. The major Rajput Kingdoms were Delhi, Mewar, Kanauj, Ajmer, Bihar, Bengal, Bundelkhand, Malwa and…

Essay on Water Pollution

Essay on Water Pollution Water covers two-thirds of the Earth’s surface, with over 97% present in the oceans and less than 1% in freshwater streams and lakes. Water is also present in the atmosphere in solid form in the polar icecaps and…

Brief note on Tribal Handicrafts

Many subsidiary occupations like handicrafts are undertaken in the various tribal zones. These include basket making, spinning and weaving. The Maria Gond distils spirits from forest produce. Functional classes among the Saora, the Kond…

Uses of Clay in India

Clay is one of the most widespread and earliest minerals substances being used in India. Clays originate from the rocks by physic-chemical decomposition, i.e. weathering. In India, clay is used not only for making brick, but also earthen…

Short Essay on ‘Work is Worship’

Meaning of ‘Work is Worship’: Every man is born with two hands and a mouth. It means God wants us to work. We have to work to satisfy our needs. When a man works sincerely, he gets success in life. When he works half-heartedly, he is bound…

Role and Importance of Agriculture in India

India is an agriculture based country. Agriculture is the single most important contributor of Indian economy. More than half of country’s total workforce are working in agriculture and it’s supporting sectors like fisheries, forestry,…