Brief note on Tribal Handicrafts

Many subsidiary occupations like handicrafts are undertaken in the various tribal zones. These include basket making, spinning and weaving.

The Maria Gond distils spirits from forest produce.

Functional classes among the Saora, the Kond and the Gond devote themselves to cow-herding, metal working, weaving; can working, pottery and so on.

The Korwa and the Agaria are well known iron-smelters, producing tools for local use only, and their techniques being very crude.

The Ghasi made gut from the fibrous tissues of animals.

The Tharu depend upon farming, manufacture of furniture, household utensils, basket, musical instruments, weapon, rope and mats.

The Madras Irula also makes bamboo mats and baskets, and ploughshares and wheels for local use only.

Describe Tribal Handicrafts

Tribal handicrafts are handmade items created by members of indigenous communities, who have lived in a particular area for centuries and have developed their own traditional techniques and styles of crafting. These crafts are often made using locally sourced materials, such as plants, clay, wood, and metal, and are rich in cultural heritage, artistic expression, and symbolism.

Some common examples of tribal handicrafts include textiles, such as woven fabrics and embroidery, pottery, such as clay jars, vases, and figurines, jewelry, such as necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, and basketry, such as woven baskets and mats. These items are often created using traditional methods, passed down from generation to generation, and are used in daily life, as well as for special occasions and rituals.

Tribal handicrafts are important in preserving cultural heritage, promoting local economies, and supporting the livelihoods of many families in tribal areas. They also provide a source of income for these communities, as many of these handmade items are sold in local markets, or to tourists visiting the area.

Overall, tribal handicrafts are a unique and important aspect of the cultural heritage of indigenous communities and play a significant role in preserving traditional art forms and techniques for future generations.

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