‘Necessity is the mother of Invention’ – Essay

Necessity is the mother of invention – Essay 1.

We have heard and probably used this saying on many occasions. Necessity is the mother of invention. It means that inventions arise out of some strongly felt needs. People take efforts to overcome their problems and often end up finding globally applicable solutions to them.

Necessity can be defined as the state of being necessary. Necessary means something that is important, logically unavoidable, inescapable, indispensable. In a broad sense, avoiding something necessary might be harmful or hazardous. Metaphysically, it can be defined as something that is bound to happen, ordained or predestined. In human life, there are sets of things that are necessary for us to carry out to sustain our existence. We all know the food is essential for bodybuilding and to gain calories. Food is essential for our existence.

If something is necessary, it might not be a thing you need to do only, but it can be an aid for you or something that will help you or lessen your burden. As the world evolved, Innovation increases as well, innovation erases/banished our date ones. Your intention, your heart should be your belief, what you have in mind must manifest. There is no need to create a thing you don’t need. For innovation to set in; there must be a necessity for it.


The first instance that this proverb was used as such is believed to be by Richard Frank in his 1658 book Northern Memoirs. There have been other people who have expressed similar thought earlier in various languages, though.


When human beings wanted to make agriculture more efficient machines like tractors, harvesters, etc. were invented. New and better technology comes up regularly because of the need felt to improve their lacunae. The remote control was invented because people would not want to walk to the TV each time. Almost every field including diapers, fast food, cosmetics can fall in this explanation.

Important innovations

  • Telephone – By Graham Bells
  • Electric bulb – By Thomas Edison.
  • Car – By Carl Benz
  • Airplane – By Wright brothers.


Technological advancements also arise out of the creativity of some brain. However, it doesn’t seem implausible that the creativity may be triggered by some idea or a need. If innovation is not needed, the time and resources that will be used to it can be better spent on other useful things or been kept for future use. Eventually, that necessity is the mother of invention is proved.


Necessity is the mother of Invention – Essay 2

Meaning: The meaning of the proverb “Necessity is the mother of invention” is that when we stand in dire need of a thing, we can never rest satisfied until we get it. We strain every nerve to have it, as if some inward force were compelling us to act. Most of the great and good things of the world are the products of divine discontent in the mind of man.

When a man feels the pinch of hunger, it cannot be said that his want is trifling; it is then a pressing want, for unless it is satisfied, he will die or starvation.

When human wants becomes necessity, it impel a man to action. It is to remove want that he works. This want may be of various degrees. It may be trivial or it may be pressing.

All the articles we use in our daily life are the products of man’s endeavor to get what becomes a necessity for him. Human need makes an article a necessity. Even luxuries have been invented to remove some sort of want, want of ease and comfort. Without the want of money no one would strive to be rich and without feeling the bitterness of cold, no one would exert himself to make clothes for covering the body.

Necessity makes us bold, hardy and adventurous. The present greatness of Great Britain is primarily due to this fact. Britain, being an island cut off from the rest of Europe, has to depend even for foodstuff on other countries. So, the Britishers are compelled to go abroad. They would have remained confined within their own land, had they found their country self-sufficient. It is Britain’s wants that had sent her sons all over the world, and the result was that they had established supremacy over a large portion of the globe.

Also read: Short Speech on Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Necessity compels us to get into activity: Instances showing how people have, out of dire necessity, invented things are not rare. Greenland is covered with perpetual snow, and at no time of the year does the snow melt away or disappear completely. No wood or other material is available there for the construction of a house; but still the people there have built houses with solid masses of snow and live comfortably in them. It is the dire necessity of protecting themselves against the intense cold outside that has led them to build houses with ice.

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