How is Independence Day Celebrated in India?

The Indian Independence Day is a day to celebrate the country’s freedom after it was liberated from the British colonial rule (on 15th August, 1947) by our independence heroes.

India was under British colonial rule for nearly two hundred years. 15th August is a very special day in the history of India. The independence was achieved, through intense efforts, brave struggles, and sacrifices of thousands of precious lives, on 15th August, 1947.

Hence, Independence Day is a day on which a new nation (Free India) was born. Or, rather, it is a day in which a nation was recognized as existing in its own right. We celebrate our Independence Day every year as the most precious achievement of the nation.

How do we celebrate Independence Day?

Independence Day is celebrated at every parts of the country. Flag Hoisting, Singing the national anthem (Jana Gana Mana), parade, Speech by the Prime Minister and President of India, Military and civic processions, etc. are important ways of celebrating the honorable day.

A brief account of how Independent Day is celebrated in India is given below:

Special celebration at Red Fort: The most gorgeous celebration is seen at New Delhi, the capital of India. A special celebration is arranged at the Red Fort. On this honorable day, the Prime Minister hoists the Tricolour (Tiranga) Indian National Flag at Red Fort.Thereafter, the National song is sung. Our Prime Minister delivers an inspiring speech to the Nation. The 71st Independence Day will be observed on 15th August, 2017.

Flag hoisting: Indian flags are hoisted over buildings or raised on flag poles and saluted. In the morning of 15th August, the national flag is hoisted at every school and college, and Government building and even on top of some private houses.

Display of Patriotism: People, including small children, come out of their homes to the accompaniment of beating drums. During the day and in the evening, people gather together to pay homage (special respect and honour) to the patriots and martyrs to the freedom of India. The spirit of freedom, independence, self-dependence, sacrifice and love towards one’s own country is propagated in the minds of the citizens. Patriotic songs are sung as part of Independence Day celebration.

Political addresses from the government to the people: We celebrate Independence Day by listening to key addresses by the country’s Prime Minister as well as Chief Ministers across the country.

Making the most of a day off: Republic day is a National festival. Most of the offices, banks and public offices remain closed on this day. Hence, most people get a day off work. There is never a specific time to assist the less fortunate in the society but the day that we celebrate the birth of our nation is an appropriate time to lend a helping hand to them.

Sending cards and greetings to loved ones: Independence Day is also celebrated by gifting others and reminding them that they are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Celebrations of national heritage, for instance music, literature, history and cuisine.

Conclusion: Freedom and Liberty is priceless. Our brave soldiers are doing their duties efficiently. Whatever way you choose to celebrate this Day, it is important to think about honesty, national spirit, and spirit of the general good. We should do our bit to preserve our freedom and the freedom of all. It should never pass by just like another normal day.


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