Essay on Importance of Freedom

Importance of Freedom – Essay.

Freedom refers to the state of being free and therefore at will to do whatever an individual wants. Whenever there is freedom, elements of oppression are slim to none and people enjoy making their own decisions.

Freedom is important because it provides an opportunity for people to come up with their own ideas as they are at will to do so.

Freedom breeds pride in a people or a nation as they are able to hoist their flags in pride knowing that they are not under the rule of foreigners.

Freedom gives people the opportunity to lead free lives on their own terms which is a comfortable way to live.

When there is freedom, there is peace and unity as people have no one oppressing them giving way for sustainable

Freedom gives people the power of choice and therefore democracy hence they are able to speak their minds freely.

It also earns a people their identity and therefore the respect they deserve as they can now be seen to be their own people.

When people are free, they develop a passion for what they do and therefore the chances of success are higher than when they are compelled to do the same activities under duress.

Freedom allows people to live healthy lives as opposed to oppression that gives them stress and stress related diseases hence the chances of enjoying life are minimal.


Freedom is a gift that must be appreciated. The only people that may really know how to appreciate freedom however are the ones to whom freedom has previously been withdrawn or limited.

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