Importance of Iron Metal

Iron is the most important among all the metals. Iron is dug out from mines. It is the most useful metals. The iron that we use is the form of iron ore. It is crushed by machines and melted in hot furnaces. Thus, pig or cast iron is made.…

Essay on Importance of Sports

Importance of Sports Sports refers to the physical activities generally involving skill of competitive nature. An individual or group often competes against another for entertainment. The importance of sports has been discussed in this…

Alivardi Khan (Nawab of Bengal)

Alivardi Khan was the Nawab of Bengal for the period between 1740 and 1756. He was born on 10th of May, 1671. Immediately after becoming the Nawab, Alivardi Khan secured imperial confirmation of his new authority and began to govern the…

Post Mauryan Period

During the post-Mauryan period some changes took place in the social structure of the country. In place of four Varnas, some new mixed Varnas came into existence. Two factors were responsible for it: First, some foreign elements or…

Third Anglo-Maratha War

The conflict between the English and the Pindaris paved the way for the Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817-1818) as the English suspected that the Marathas were providing clandestine help to the Pindaris. The Peshwa with a view to increasing…

Nizam Ali Khan (Nizam of Hyderabad)

Nizam Ali Khan was the fourth son of Nizam-ul-Mulk. He was the Nizam of Hyderabad. The period of his reign was from1762 to 1803. He strongly opposed the French influence at Hyderabad. He acted as the Governor of Berar from 1757. He was…