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ANM Full Form

What is the Full Form of ANM? The acronym ANM stands for Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery. ANM is an undergraduate or postgraduate programme in the field of medical nursing. This course enables the pupils to get knowledge of basic treatment

AML Full Form

The full meaning of AML is Acute Myeloid Leukemia. It is a kind of blood cancer that is generated in the bone marrow. This disease aims to hamper the immature myelogenous cells and produce leukemic blast cells. The myeloid cells precursors

AMIE Full Form

AMIE referred to as Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers. What is it About? The Institution of Engineers (IEI) is a legal body to promote engineering and innovation, set up in 1920 and institutionalised by Royal

ALS Full Form

ALS stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. ALS is also called motor neuron disease (MND). This is a disease that causes the death of neurons that control the voluntary muscles. These muscles are the group of muscles that we can

AJAX Full Form

The Full Meaning of AJAX is Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is an interactive web technology that offers a superior user experience. It gives you a semblance feel of a desktop application. AJAX allows web pages to update without…

AIR Full Form

AIR full form means All India Radio and is also known as Akashvani since 1956. It is the national public broadcaster of India and is under Prasar Bharati. It was headquartered in Delhi in the year 1936. It is considered the

AIIMS Full Form

What Is The Full Form of AIIMS? The term aiims stands for All India Institute of Medical Sciences. It is one of the most coveted medical institutions in India. The university is located in New Delhi and is ranked amongst the best

AIDS Full Form

AIDS - Introduction AIDS refers to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is a condition that happens as a sexually transmitted infection, HIV. This is one that can hamper one’s ability to be immune. The infection can be

AICTE Full Form

Abstract All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is a legal assortment of the Government of India with a legal expert for the arranging and composed improvement of Technical Education all through the nation. AICTE is

AFCAT Full Form

What is the AFCAT Exam? The Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) is led by the Indian Air Force. The test is held every year in February and August, solely, to pick-up Class-I Officers in Flying and Ground Duties (Technical and