Winter In South Central States: Winter Gardening Tips For South Central Region

Front Yard With Plants Covered In Snow

Image by Citysqwirl

Winter may be a time for plants to take a rest, but not so
for gardeners. There are plenty of winter chores to do beginning in the fall. And
if you live in the South Central region in winter, there may be even more you
can do, depending on your specific location.

South Central Winter Gardening Tips

Here are some tips in preparation for winter in South
Central states:

  • After two to three hard frosts, clean up perennial beds by cutting back dead foliage and mulching with leaves or compost. If you prefer, sturdier plants can be left uncut to add winter interest in the garden and give extra protection to the sleeping perennials. In addition, plants such as echinacea, coreopsis, zinnia, cosmos, and rudbeckia provide seeds for goldfinches and other birds in winter.
  • Protect plants from freezing by applying a 2- to 3-inch (5 to 7.5 cm.) mulch around shallow-rooted plants such as astilbe, heuchera, and tiarella. Organic choices such as chopped leaves, straw, and pine needles decompose quickly and will enrich the soil by spring. Gravel can be used as mulch for plants that require good drainage or drier soils.
  • Continue to feed and provide water for winter birds. Clean bird houses before new occupants arrive in early spring.
  • Fertilize trees and shrubs annually.

South Central Winter Garden Veggies

Depending on your specific climate zone, you may be able to
enjoy fresh produce all winter. Check with your local
extension agent
or local nurseries to find out which vegetables do best
during winter in your hardiness zone. In South Central states, hardiness zones
range from 6 to 10.

Here are tips for growing vegetables in the South Central
region in winter:

  • Add compost to your vegetable beds before planting.

Taking care of chores in winter will give a jump start to

This article was last updated on 11/22/21
Read more about South Central

Winter may be a time for plants to take a rest, but not so
for gardeners. There are plenty of winter chores to do beginning in the fall. And
if you live in the South Central region in winter, there may be even more you
can do, depending on your specific location.

South Central Winter Gardening Tips

Here are some tips in preparation for winter in South
Central states:

  • After two to three hard frosts, clean up perennial beds by cutting back dead foliage and mulching with leaves or compost. If you prefer, sturdier plants can be left uncut to add winter interest in the garden and give extra protection to the sleeping perennials. In addition, plants such as echinacea, coreopsis, zinnia, cosmos, and rudbeckia provide seeds for goldfinches and other birds in winter.
  • Protect plants from freezing by applying a 2- to 3-inch (5 to 7.5 cm.) mulch around shallow-rooted plants such as astilbe, heuchera, and tiarella. Organic choices such as chopped leaves, straw, and pine needles decompose quickly and will enrich the soil by spring. Gravel can be used as mulch for plants that require good drainage or drier soils.
  • Continue to feed and provide water for winter birds. Clean bird houses before new occupants arrive in early spring.
  • Fertilize trees and shrubs annually.

South Central Winter Garden Veggies

Depending on your specific climate zone, you may be able to
enjoy fresh produce all winter. Check with your local
extension agent
or local nurseries to find out which vegetables do best
during winter in your hardiness zone. In South Central states, hardiness zones
range from 6 to 10.

Here are tips for growing vegetables in the South Central
region in winter:

  • Add compost to your vegetable beds before planting.

Taking care of chores in winter will give a jump start to

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