UFO Friendly Gardens: Tips On Attracting Extraterrestrials To Your Garden

Maybe you love looking at the stars, gazing at the moon, or
daydream of one day taking a trip into space. Maybe you’re hoping to catch a
ride on the mothership by attracting extraterrestrials to the garden. Whatever
the reason, there’s nothing more rewarding than making your garden a welcome
mat for alien visitors.

Making Your Garden UFO Friendly

UFOs have long since fascinated us, but why should we only
imagine sharing “space” with our little ET friends? Making contact with UFO
species is possible when you know how to invite aliens to your home.

One of the best ways to let extraterrestrials know they’re
welcome to visit is with the addition of cosmic
garden plants
. By adding the right plants to your garden “space,”
you can create an inviting environment for all manner of otherworldly guests.
In fact, a number of alien beings are fond of plants – some even mimic their
cosmic characteristics, looking as if they came straight from outer space.
Take, carnivorous
, for example. These unusual looking plants, such as the Venus
, are certain to attract a passing flying saucer occupant.

Additional alien plants might also include those having
familiar “cosmic” names. Great choices are:

Don’t forget that even aliens
like to eat, so vegetables can have UFO appeal too. They are most often
attracted by the flying saucer-shaped fruit of scallop
; be sure you add this one. Including beneficial insects, like
, is helpful when creating a garden for alien friends. Many
have travelled together and share common interests, especially their choice of
insect consumption – they, too, are wonderful for pest control.

How to Attract Aliens

Plants aren’t the only inviting element when making contact
with UFO beings. Add some decorative touches that attract the attention of
aliens – laser light being one of these. Apparently, like cats, they just can’t
control themselves around lasers and will no doubt be drawn to investigate them
further when prompted. Virtually any subtle outdoor
, like strings of Christmas lights, are pleasing to many of
these creatures. You can even create a runway for them.

It goes without saying that if you’re creating UFO friendly gardens, then it’s a sure bet the addition of some sort of water feature will be helpful in attracting extraterrestrials. Many of them enjoy the soothing, bubbling, or gurgling sounds these garden features make. Of course, they may be inclined to sip from these water sources too, so be sure that it’s alkaline water, which is deemed most preferable.

Just as we decorate the garden
with various types of ornaments to make it more attractive, the addition of
familiar looking beings, such as gnomes and alien creatures, or cosmic-like
trinkets are great for attracting extraterrestrials. They will feel more at
home with more space-age surroundings. These blend in well with alien-looking
plants too. Also, include signs in large print – surrounded by lighting – so
they know they’re in the right place:


While there is a considerable amount of rocky real estate to
be had in the galaxy for alien species to consider visiting, why not invite
them for an extended stay here on Earth. We have much to learn from these
intelligent life forms and they may even prove beneficial to the garden.

Now that you know how to attract aliens to the garden, we
hope you will get to work letting them know that ALL are welcome here…within
reason anyway. Please be aware, though, that some aliens can be troublesome
and invasive
, with the potential to spread and displace our natural
trees and plants. You may want to research various alien species beforehand to
avoid future issues.

Happy Gardening and April Fools!

This article was last updated on 09/30/21
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Maybe you love looking at the stars, gazing at the moon, or
daydream of one day taking a trip into space. Maybe you’re hoping to catch a
ride on the mothership by attracting extraterrestrials to the garden. Whatever
the reason, there’s nothing more rewarding than making your garden a welcome
mat for alien visitors.

Making Your Garden UFO Friendly

UFOs have long since fascinated us, but why should we only
imagine sharing “space” with our little ET friends? Making contact with UFO
species is possible when you know how to invite aliens to your home.

One of the best ways to let extraterrestrials know they’re
welcome to visit is with the addition of cosmic
garden plants
. By adding the right plants to your garden “space,”
you can create an inviting environment for all manner of otherworldly guests.
In fact, a number of alien beings are fond of plants – some even mimic their
cosmic characteristics, looking as if they came straight from outer space.
Take, carnivorous
, for example. These unusual looking plants, such as the Venus
, are certain to attract a passing flying saucer occupant.

Additional alien plants might also include those having
familiar “cosmic” names. Great choices are:

Don’t forget that even aliens
like to eat, so vegetables can have UFO appeal too. They are most often
attracted by the flying saucer-shaped fruit of scallop
; be sure you add this one. Including beneficial insects, like
, is helpful when creating a garden for alien friends. Many
have travelled together and share common interests, especially their choice of
insect consumption – they, too, are wonderful for pest control.

How to Attract Aliens

Plants aren’t the only inviting element when making contact
with UFO beings. Add some decorative touches that attract the attention of
aliens – laser light being one of these. Apparently, like cats, they just can’t
control themselves around lasers and will no doubt be drawn to investigate them
further when prompted. Virtually any subtle outdoor
, like strings of Christmas lights, are pleasing to many of
these creatures. You can even create a runway for them.

It goes without saying that if you’re creating UFO friendly gardens, then it’s a sure bet the addition of some sort of water feature will be helpful in attracting extraterrestrials. Many of them enjoy the soothing, bubbling, or gurgling sounds these garden features make. Of course, they may be inclined to sip from these water sources too, so be sure that it’s alkaline water, which is deemed most preferable.

Just as we decorate the garden
with various types of ornaments to make it more attractive, the addition of
familiar looking beings, such as gnomes and alien creatures, or cosmic-like
trinkets are great for attracting extraterrestrials. They will feel more at
home with more space-age surroundings. These blend in well with alien-looking
plants too. Also, include signs in large print – surrounded by lighting – so
they know they’re in the right place:


While there is a considerable amount of rocky real estate to
be had in the galaxy for alien species to consider visiting, why not invite
them for an extended stay here on Earth. We have much to learn from these
intelligent life forms and they may even prove beneficial to the garden.

Now that you know how to attract aliens to the garden, we
hope you will get to work letting them know that ALL are welcome here…within
reason anyway. Please be aware, though, that some aliens can be troublesome
and invasive
, with the potential to spread and displace our natural
trees and plants. You may want to research various alien species beforehand to
avoid future issues.

Happy Gardening and April Fools!

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