If you’re looking for a dwarf tree with year-round interest, try growing a black locust ‘Twisty Baby’ tree. The following information discusses ‘Twisty Baby’ locust care regarding growing and when to prune these trees.
What is a ‘Twisty Baby’ Locust Tree?
Black locust ‘Twisty Baby’ (Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Twisty Baby’) is a deciduous, multi-stemmed shrub to small tree that grows to about 8 to 10 feet (2-3 m.) in height. Twisty Baby locust tree has a unique contorted form that lives up to its name.
Additional Twisty Baby Information
This black locust variety was patented in 1996 with the cultivar name of ‘Lady Lace’ but trademarked and sold under the name of ‘Twisty Baby.’ The slightly spined lower branches are covered in dark green leaves that curl as they mature.
In the fall, the foliage turns a brilliant yellow hue. With optimal growing conditions, Twisty Baby locust tree produces aromatic white flower clusters in spring that give way to the typical black locust species seed pods.
Due to its smaller size, Twisty Baby locust is an excellent patio specimen or container grown tree.
Twisty Baby Locust Care
Twisty Baby locust trees are easily transplanted and tolerate a variety of conditions. They are tolerant of salt, heat pollution, and most soil including dry and sandy soils. A tough tree this locust might be, but it is still susceptible to a number of pests such as locust borers and leaf miners.
Twisty Baby locust can become a bit unkempt looking at times. Prune the tree annually in late summer to shape the tree and encourage the contorted growth.