Tufted Evening Primrose Care – Growing Evening Primrose Wildflowers

White Tufted Evening Primrose Wildflower

Image by Jared Quentin

Often used in xeriscape gardens, tufted evening primrose plants (Oenothera caespitosa) follow the traditional blooming habit of other members of the family. Evening primrose wildflowers open their blooms in afternoon, stay open all night, and wilt away the next day. This provides a chance for nighttime feeders and pollinators to partake of the nectar.

Only long-tongued visitors can
reach the nectar that deposits low in the flower. Hawk moths have the perfect
size beak to reach it, and they fly at night. Other beneficial night-moving
pollinators may take advantage of the open blooms. A moth
, with a range of night opening blooms, can help keep them handily
around your yard.

Growing Tufted Evening Primrose

Sources for this plant say it will
grow in any location throughout the U.S. Large white blooms adorn the plant
heavily throughout the summer in many areas. If you wish to grow it, seeds are
available online.

It is native to the western part of
the country, where it grows wild in infertile and poor soil. These areas are
often sunny and dry. As such, tufted evening primrose care is moderate when
growing them in your landscape.

Water occasionally to keep blooms
coming all summer. Fertilization is not a necessity for performance and
flowering of these evening primrose wildflowers. As a perennial, it returns
each year. The plant often multiplies, so expect more to return and fill your
beds. Grow it with other evening primroses, such as yellow
and pink
, for a beautiful blooming bed in early to late spring.

Tufted Evening Primrose Plants in the Landscape

If you wish to start a special bed
to attract moth pollinators, fill it with the primrose and other blooms that
are fragrant and open in the afternoon or at night, like the 4
o’clock flower
. Night-time moth pollination is most prevalent in the southern
regions because of warm evenings.

Other blooms that attract the moths are highly fragrant and have pale colored flowers. The Madonna lily and night-blooming jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum) are two more. Light colored flowers and heavy fragrance allow the moths to find them by moonlight. Some yucca plants draw these pollinators as well.

When growing tufted evening
primrose from seed, plant them near the top of the soil and lightly cover. Keep
the seeds moist until germination occurs. You may also be able to find tufted
evening primrose plants at your local nursery or garden center too.

This article was last updated on 12/01/21
Read more about Evening Primrose

Often used in xeriscape gardens, tufted evening primrose plants (Oenothera caespitosa) follow the traditional blooming habit of other members of the family. Evening primrose wildflowers open their blooms in afternoon, stay open all night, and wilt away the next day. This provides a chance for nighttime feeders and pollinators to partake of the nectar.

Only long-tongued visitors can
reach the nectar that deposits low in the flower. Hawk moths have the perfect
size beak to reach it, and they fly at night. Other beneficial night-moving
pollinators may take advantage of the open blooms. A moth
, with a range of night opening blooms, can help keep them handily
around your yard.

Growing Tufted Evening Primrose

Sources for this plant say it will
grow in any location throughout the U.S. Large white blooms adorn the plant
heavily throughout the summer in many areas. If you wish to grow it, seeds are
available online.

It is native to the western part of
the country, where it grows wild in infertile and poor soil. These areas are
often sunny and dry. As such, tufted evening primrose care is moderate when
growing them in your landscape.

Water occasionally to keep blooms
coming all summer. Fertilization is not a necessity for performance and
flowering of these evening primrose wildflowers. As a perennial, it returns
each year. The plant often multiplies, so expect more to return and fill your
beds. Grow it with other evening primroses, such as yellow
and pink
, for a beautiful blooming bed in early to late spring.

Tufted Evening Primrose Plants in the Landscape

If you wish to start a special bed
to attract moth pollinators, fill it with the primrose and other blooms that
are fragrant and open in the afternoon or at night, like the 4
o’clock flower
. Night-time moth pollination is most prevalent in the southern
regions because of warm evenings.

Other blooms that attract the moths are highly fragrant and have pale colored flowers. The Madonna lily and night-blooming jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum) are two more. Light colored flowers and heavy fragrance allow the moths to find them by moonlight. Some yucca plants draw these pollinators as well.

When growing tufted evening
primrose from seed, plant them near the top of the soil and lightly cover. Keep
the seeds moist until germination occurs. You may also be able to find tufted
evening primrose plants at your local nursery or garden center too.

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