Subscription Garden Gift Box Review: 10 Reasons To Try ‘My Garden Box’ From Cratejoy

Got a gardener on your gift list this season but not yet sure what to buy? That’s easy! As a gardener myself and lover of all things plants, I highly recommend sending a monthly garden gift box from Cratejoy, specifically My Garden Box.

My Garden Box Subscription Gifts for Gardeners

When I received my first box, I quickly became a fan. The plants are packaged really well – even the box itself is nice! Depending on the monthly theme, you can receive anywhere from 1-3 plants, plus everything else needed to complete your garden project – soil, quality containers, fertilizer (if necessary) and illustrated instructions that also include plant care tips and fun facts. You might even get an extra little surprise, too.

Even better, it doesn’t matter if you’re a new or experienced gardener. Anyone can enjoy My Garden Box subscriptions. In fact, my 3-year-old grandson has helped with many of these projects. And I’m always just as excited to dig into each box as he is! Let me take you on a tour of 10 of my favorite deliveries My Garden Box has sent me over the years.

Top 10 Delivery Box Gifts from My Garden Box

One of the things I love most is that every garden box you get is different. One month you might get tropicals, the next some succulents, and then maybe something for the garden. You never know until you open it. While I cannot remember each and every specific named box, here’s 10 of the best delivery gifts I’ve received with My Garden Box subscription:

1. DIY Terrarium

This was the first box I got years ago and the one that started it all. It contained a cute little glass terrarium that I added a chicken to just for fun. Complete with everything necessary, this terrarium kit had two plants, soil, lightweight rocks, moss and a mister for easy watering. It even had a fun surprise: some paints and a rock for added color.

2. Elkhorn/Staghorn Fern

I absolutely loved this box! I hadn’t yet tried my hand at growing this type of plant, but with its detailed care instructions I had no problem. The box included a cute shallow square pot and fertilizer spritzer. My elkhorn fern continues to thrive, and I certainly can see where the plant gets its name. It looks more and more like antlers the bigger it grows.

3. Bonsai Tree Box

This was my first try at a bonsai. It was really easy to do and included small pruning scissors, moss, sand and nice stones to decorate the already ornate pot. The plant was even appropriately named “Nana” as my grandson helped put this one together. 

4. Water plants

I loved the cute clear jars that came with this fun box. Consisting of three different sizes, each uses the clay ball pebbles as growing medium with water. I thought this one made a great teaching tool for kids, since you’re actually able to watch the roots grow. The plants included with this box were papyrus, Juncus “Spiralis” and Japanese sedge. The latter two I’ve since replanted outdoors but reused the containers for other plants.

5. Kokedama

Another first for me was the kokedama box. Complete with all the tools necessary (twine, moss, dirt, ceramic dish) to create these interesting kokedama moss balls, what was really cool about the box was the fact that it used different plants than what you would ordinarily imagine for kokedama – hosta, curly juncus and astilbe. They were definitely thinking outside the box on this one. 

6. Schefflera Box

I wish I could remember the name for this specific box, but the healthy looking schefflera plant was unforgettable, as was the cutest galvanized metal watering can container it came with. My plant has since outgrown that little pot but continues to thrive in its new location. And the watering can was given new life as a trinket holder in the greenhouse for items like plant labels, scissors, etc.

7. Message in a Bottle

OMG, another box I loved! The unique container for this one was actually a clear bottle that had been cut in half, lengthwise. It also included a couple snake plants, different types, and like all the other boxes, everything you needed to complete the project. Mine are still thriving in their bottle.

8. Begonia Paint by Nature

I remember this gift box came with a beautiful container made to resemble bark, or even a tree. The little Rex begonia was absolutely stunning and grew quickly. This box also had a fun surprise included: a small canvas with a begonia image and paints.

9. Garden Zen Box

Many of my garden boxes have included various succulents over the years, from hens and chicks to haworthia and sedum. The Garden Zen box, however, was probably one of my personal favorites (it’s so hard to choose when you love them all). This box came with air plants, small stones, sand, a shallow wooden container and a little wooden rake to create waves in the sand. I definitely found my Zen!

10. Trio of Treats Box

This was the box I received this past October. It had a cute 3-in-1 teal pot with labels that resemble hard candy. Each plant, of which there were three, was different and included the classic spider plant, Cryptanthus ‘Earth Star” and Tradescantia “Oyster Plant.”

So there you have it. Some of the best delivery gifts for gardeners can be found with monthly subscription plant boxes like My Garden Box. I certainly fell in love with mine!

Here at Gardening Know How we want to keep you in the know. If you make a purchase through one of the links below, we may collect commission or other compensation at no extra cost to you. All prices are accurate as of the publishing date of this article.

This article was last updated on 12/10/21
Read more about Gift Guides

Got a gardener on your gift list this season but not yet sure what to buy? That’s easy! As a gardener myself and lover of all things plants, I highly recommend sending a monthly garden gift box from Cratejoy, specifically My Garden Box.

My Garden Box Subscription Gifts for Gardeners

When I received my first box, I quickly became a fan. The plants are packaged really well – even the box itself is nice! Depending on the monthly theme, you can receive anywhere from 1-3 plants, plus everything else needed to complete your garden project – soil, quality containers, fertilizer (if necessary) and illustrated instructions that also include plant care tips and fun facts. You might even get an extra little surprise, too.

Even better, it doesn’t matter if you’re a new or experienced gardener. Anyone can enjoy My Garden Box subscriptions. In fact, my 3-year-old grandson has helped with many of these projects. And I’m always just as excited to dig into each box as he is! Let me take you on a tour of 10 of my favorite deliveries My Garden Box has sent me over the years.

Top 10 Delivery Box Gifts from My Garden Box

One of the things I love most is that every garden box you get is different. One month you might get tropicals, the next some succulents, and then maybe something for the garden. You never know until you open it. While I cannot remember each and every specific named box, here’s 10 of the best delivery gifts I’ve received with My Garden Box subscription:

1. DIY Terrarium

This was the first box I got years ago and the one that started it all. It contained a cute little glass terrarium that I added a chicken to just for fun. Complete with everything necessary, this terrarium kit had two plants, soil, lightweight rocks, moss and a mister for easy watering. It even had a fun surprise: some paints and a rock for added color.

2. Elkhorn/Staghorn Fern

I absolutely loved this box! I hadn’t yet tried my hand at growing this type of plant, but with its detailed care instructions I had no problem. The box included a cute shallow square pot and fertilizer spritzer. My elkhorn fern continues to thrive, and I certainly can see where the plant gets its name. It looks more and more like antlers the bigger it grows.

3. Bonsai Tree Box

This was my first try at a bonsai. It was really easy to do and included small pruning scissors, moss, sand and nice stones to decorate the already ornate pot. The plant was even appropriately named “Nana” as my grandson helped put this one together. 

4. Water plants

I loved the cute clear jars that came with this fun box. Consisting of three different sizes, each uses the clay ball pebbles as growing medium with water. I thought this one made a great teaching tool for kids, since you’re actually able to watch the roots grow. The plants included with this box were papyrus, Juncus “Spiralis” and Japanese sedge. The latter two I’ve since replanted outdoors but reused the containers for other plants.

5. Kokedama

Another first for me was the kokedama box. Complete with all the tools necessary (twine, moss, dirt, ceramic dish) to create these interesting kokedama moss balls, what was really cool about the box was the fact that it used different plants than what you would ordinarily imagine for kokedama – hosta, curly juncus and astilbe. They were definitely thinking outside the box on this one. 

6. Schefflera Box

I wish I could remember the name for this specific box, but the healthy looking schefflera plant was unforgettable, as was the cutest galvanized metal watering can container it came with. My plant has since outgrown that little pot but continues to thrive in its new location. And the watering can was given new life as a trinket holder in the greenhouse for items like plant labels, scissors, etc.

7. Message in a Bottle

OMG, another box I loved! The unique container for this one was actually a clear bottle that had been cut in half, lengthwise. It also included a couple snake plants, different types, and like all the other boxes, everything you needed to complete the project. Mine are still thriving in their bottle.

8. Begonia Paint by Nature

I remember this gift box came with a beautiful container made to resemble bark, or even a tree. The little Rex begonia was absolutely stunning and grew quickly. This box also had a fun surprise included: a small canvas with a begonia image and paints.

9. Garden Zen Box

Many of my garden boxes have included various succulents over the years, from hens and chicks to haworthia and sedum. The Garden Zen box, however, was probably one of my personal favorites (it’s so hard to choose when you love them all). This box came with air plants, small stones, sand, a shallow wooden container and a little wooden rake to create waves in the sand. I definitely found my Zen!

10. Trio of Treats Box

This was the box I received this past October. It had a cute 3-in-1 teal pot with labels that resemble hard candy. Each plant, of which there were three, was different and included the classic spider plant, Cryptanthus ‘Earth Star” and Tradescantia “Oyster Plant.”

So there you have it. Some of the best delivery gifts for gardeners can be found with monthly subscription plant boxes like My Garden Box. I certainly fell in love with mine!

Here at Gardening Know How we want to keep you in the know. If you make a purchase through one of the links below, we may collect commission or other compensation at no extra cost to you. All prices are accurate as of the publishing date of this article.

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