Separating Jade Plants – Learn When To Divide Jade Plants

Close Up Of A Jade Plant

Image by ZoomTravels

One of the classiest household succulents is the jade plant. These little beauties are so charming you simply want more of them. That leads to the question, can you separate a jade plant? Jade plant division can produce a healthy new plant over time, but so can simply using a leaf. These tenacious plants are tough to kill and easy to propagate. Separating jade plants won’t hurt them and will give you more of these easy to grow succulents.

Can You Separate a Jade Plant?

If you have a jade plant, you know the simple pleasure its steady, slow growth and beautiful, chubby leaved stems can bring. There are many ways you can get a start from your plant, with jade plant division being one of the simplest and fastest ways to get a mini-me from the parent. As with most things, timing is everything and it is important to know when to divide jade plants. The most obvious answer is when you are repotting them, but time of year can also increase your chances of success.

Jades are remarkably adaptable plants. About the only thing they can’t withstand is boggy soil. They can be propagated from either stem or leaf cuttings. Use only healthy plant material and not tissue that is damaged or diseased. You can choose to use cuttings removed during trimming or unpot the whole plant and divide the stem. How do you know when to divide jade plants? The best time is when they are actively growing in spring or, better yet, summer.

Make sure the plant is not dehydrated, as dry plant material will not produce roots readily. For jade plant division, you need a container, a nice half and half mixture of potting soil and vermiculite, and a clean sharp blade.

Dividing a Jade Plant

Once you have your materials assembled, it is time to separate the plant. Remove it from the soil and examine the stems. It should be apparent which part is pulling away from the main plant. Cut this away between the stems, ensuring some root comes away with the division. Next, lay the cutting out on a clean, dry surface to form a callus. This is when the end tissue dries out and helps spur rooting and prevents fungal issues. After a couple of days to weeks, depending on how big the cutting is, you are ready to plant.

After separating jade plants and allowing the ends to callus, plant in well-draining soil with a bit of grit or vermiculite mixed in. If necessary, use a little stake to keep the soon-to-be plant upright. Place the container in a warm, bright location away from direct sun. After a week or so, lightly moisten the soil but still keep it a bit on the dry side. In three to four weeks, after the plant has had some time to establish itself, you begin treating it as you would any jade.

This article was last updated on 08/29/22
Read more about Jade Plants

One of the classiest household succulents is the jade plant. These little beauties are so charming you simply want more of them. That leads to the question, can you separate a jade plant? Jade plant division can produce a healthy new plant over time, but so can simply using a leaf. These tenacious plants are tough to kill and easy to propagate. Separating jade plants won’t hurt them and will give you more of these easy to grow succulents.

Can You Separate a Jade Plant?

If you have a jade plant, you know the simple pleasure its steady, slow growth and beautiful, chubby leaved stems can bring. There are many ways you can get a start from your plant, with jade plant division being one of the simplest and fastest ways to get a mini-me from the parent. As with most things, timing is everything and it is important to know when to divide jade plants. The most obvious answer is when you are repotting them, but time of year can also increase your chances of success.

Jades are remarkably adaptable plants. About the only thing they can’t withstand is boggy soil. They can be propagated from either stem or leaf cuttings. Use only healthy plant material and not tissue that is damaged or diseased. You can choose to use cuttings removed during trimming or unpot the whole plant and divide the stem. How do you know when to divide jade plants? The best time is when they are actively growing in spring or, better yet, summer.

Make sure the plant is not dehydrated, as dry plant material will not produce roots readily. For jade plant division, you need a container, a nice half and half mixture of potting soil and vermiculite, and a clean sharp blade.

Dividing a Jade Plant

Once you have your materials assembled, it is time to separate the plant. Remove it from the soil and examine the stems. It should be apparent which part is pulling away from the main plant. Cut this away between the stems, ensuring some root comes away with the division. Next, lay the cutting out on a clean, dry surface to form a callus. This is when the end tissue dries out and helps spur rooting and prevents fungal issues. After a couple of days to weeks, depending on how big the cutting is, you are ready to plant.

After separating jade plants and allowing the ends to callus, plant in well-draining soil with a bit of grit or vermiculite mixed in. If necessary, use a little stake to keep the soon-to-be plant upright. Place the container in a warm, bright location away from direct sun. After a week or so, lightly moisten the soil but still keep it a bit on the dry side. In three to four weeks, after the plant has had some time to establish itself, you begin treating it as you would any jade.

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