Schefflera Repotting: Transplanting A Potted Schefflera Plant

It is very common to see Schefflera in offices, homes, and other interior settings. These beautiful houseplants are long lived tropical specimens that are easy to grow and low maintenance. Repotting a Schefflera should be done when the container is crowded. In the wild, in-ground plants can reach 8 feet (2 m.) in height but you can easily keep it smaller by tip pruning. Transplanting a potted Schefflera will encourage new growth and keep the root system happy.

Tips on Schefflera Transplant

The two main reasons to replant any plant are to grow it
larger and to replace depleted soil. Schefflera repotting may see it moved to a
larger container to grow it bigger or into the same pot with fresh soil and a
gentle root trim. Either should be done in spring, according to houseplant

There are several things to consider when repotting a
Schefflera. How big it will get and how heavy the pot will be are major issues.
If you don’t want to lift a heavy pot or don’t have space for a monster plant,
it is best to keep the plant in the same sized container. Make sure that the
container has drainage holes and can evaporate excess moisture, a common plant

It is important to give plants new soil every few years, as they deplete it of nutrients. Even plants that will stay in the same container can benefit from brand new potting soil and some fluffing of the roots.

How to Repot a Schefflera

Once you have selected an appropriate container, remove the
plant from its housing. Often, what you will note is extremely overgrown roots,
sometimes wrapping around the entire root ball. This takes some gentle finesse
to untangle. Soaking the entire root ball in a bucket of water first can help
untangle the mess.

It is okay to prune
the roots
and, in some cases, entirely necessary to fit them back
into an original pot. Ideally, the roots should be able to spread out and new
feeder roots will quickly grow back.

Use a good potting mix or make your own with 1 part garden
soil and 1 part moistened sphagnum moss and a little sand if the mixture is too

Aftercare for a Schefflera Transplant

Schefflera repotting can be hard on a plant. It will need
some time to recover from the transplant
that occurs after the roots are disturbed.

Keep the soil lightly moist and do not move the plant for
several weeks. Additionally, don’t fertilize for the same period, except with a
well diluted transplant fertilizer. Once the plant has established and seems to
be doing well, resume your watering and feeding schedule.

Transplanting a Schefflera isn’t difficult, but if you have
not planted it at the right depth or have covered the stems with soil, you
could have problems. Luckily, these are very hardy, adaptable plants and the
project usually causes no complaint.

This article was last updated on 09/17/21
Read more about Schefflera Plants

It is very common to see Schefflera in offices, homes, and other interior settings. These beautiful houseplants are long lived tropical specimens that are easy to grow and low maintenance. Repotting a Schefflera should be done when the container is crowded. In the wild, in-ground plants can reach 8 feet (2 m.) in height but you can easily keep it smaller by tip pruning. Transplanting a potted Schefflera will encourage new growth and keep the root system happy.

Tips on Schefflera Transplant

The two main reasons to replant any plant are to grow it
larger and to replace depleted soil. Schefflera repotting may see it moved to a
larger container to grow it bigger or into the same pot with fresh soil and a
gentle root trim. Either should be done in spring, according to houseplant

There are several things to consider when repotting a
Schefflera. How big it will get and how heavy the pot will be are major issues.
If you don’t want to lift a heavy pot or don’t have space for a monster plant,
it is best to keep the plant in the same sized container. Make sure that the
container has drainage holes and can evaporate excess moisture, a common plant

It is important to give plants new soil every few years, as they deplete it of nutrients. Even plants that will stay in the same container can benefit from brand new potting soil and some fluffing of the roots.

How to Repot a Schefflera

Once you have selected an appropriate container, remove the
plant from its housing. Often, what you will note is extremely overgrown roots,
sometimes wrapping around the entire root ball. This takes some gentle finesse
to untangle. Soaking the entire root ball in a bucket of water first can help
untangle the mess.

It is okay to prune
the roots
and, in some cases, entirely necessary to fit them back
into an original pot. Ideally, the roots should be able to spread out and new
feeder roots will quickly grow back.

Use a good potting mix or make your own with 1 part garden
soil and 1 part moistened sphagnum moss and a little sand if the mixture is too

Aftercare for a Schefflera Transplant

Schefflera repotting can be hard on a plant. It will need
some time to recover from the transplant
that occurs after the roots are disturbed.

Keep the soil lightly moist and do not move the plant for
several weeks. Additionally, don’t fertilize for the same period, except with a
well diluted transplant fertilizer. Once the plant has established and seems to
be doing well, resume your watering and feeding schedule.

Transplanting a Schefflera isn’t difficult, but if you have
not planted it at the right depth or have covered the stems with soil, you
could have problems. Luckily, these are very hardy, adaptable plants and the
project usually causes no complaint.

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