Petunia Companion Planting – Tips On Choosing Companions For Petunias

Petunia Plants Alongside Companion Plants In The Garden

Image by sonyae

Petunias are fantastic annual bloomers. If you’re looking for bright colors, good variety, and forgiving growing conditions, look no further. If you’re really serious about adding some color to your garden or patio, however, you might want some companions for petunias to mix things up a bit. Keep reading to learn what to plant with petunias.

Petunia Companion Planting

One of the great things about petunias is that they are so diverse. Some varieties like “Wave” and “Surfinia” will trail out of a basket or creep along as a groundcover. Many grow straight up, but some get so top-heavy when they do this that they’ll cascade over the edge of a pot.

Companion planting with petunias is often about picking a plant whose shape accents its shape. If you’re planting in a container and want to try the Thriller, Filler, Spiller effect, plant small upright petunias around a tall, striking plant or add a trailing one to soften the container’s edge.

Of course, color is another big concern with petunia companion planting. Petunias come in all kinds of colors – make sure the flowers you pair yours with aren’t too similar in shade, or your look might be too uniform.

Choosing Companions for Petunias

There are more practical considerations when companion planting with petunias, too. Petunias are very vigorous growers and bloomers, and they’ll muscle out any neighbors that are too delicate.

They perform best in full sunlight and need at least partial light to grow. Pair them with other full sun plants for a really spectacular display.

Similarly, companions for petunias should have relatively low water requirements. Petunias do need a decent amount of water, so don’t pair them with any cacti, but try to avoid plants that need continuously moist soil.

Choosing plants that complement your petunias will provide season-long enjoyment.

This article was last updated on 06/20/22
Read more about Petunias

Petunias are fantastic annual bloomers. If you’re looking for bright colors, good variety, and forgiving growing conditions, look no further. If you’re really serious about adding some color to your garden or patio, however, you might want some companions for petunias to mix things up a bit. Keep reading to learn what to plant with petunias.

Petunia Companion Planting

One of the great things about petunias is that they are so diverse. Some varieties like “Wave” and “Surfinia” will trail out of a basket or creep along as a groundcover. Many grow straight up, but some get so top-heavy when they do this that they’ll cascade over the edge of a pot.

Companion planting with petunias is often about picking a plant whose shape accents its shape. If you’re planting in a container and want to try the Thriller, Filler, Spiller effect, plant small upright petunias around a tall, striking plant or add a trailing one to soften the container’s edge.

Of course, color is another big concern with petunia companion planting. Petunias come in all kinds of colors – make sure the flowers you pair yours with aren’t too similar in shade, or your look might be too uniform.

Choosing Companions for Petunias

There are more practical considerations when companion planting with petunias, too. Petunias are very vigorous growers and bloomers, and they’ll muscle out any neighbors that are too delicate.

They perform best in full sunlight and need at least partial light to grow. Pair them with other full sun plants for a really spectacular display.

Similarly, companions for petunias should have relatively low water requirements. Petunias do need a decent amount of water, so don’t pair them with any cacti, but try to avoid plants that need continuously moist soil.

Choosing plants that complement your petunias will provide season-long enjoyment.

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