Orange Fruit Varieties: Growing Fruits That Are Orange

Image by PLG

If you love the sunny hues of orange, then you might want to try growing orange fruit. Orange colored fruit isn’t limited to the citrus orange; there are plenty of other orange colored fruit varieties, each packing a healthful punch. 

Why Should You Be Growing Orange Fruit? 

The plant pigments that color orange fruit varieties are called carotenoids. These same orange colored fruit contain beta-carotene which is converted in the body into vitamin A. Vitamin A plays a large part in helping to maintain vision and healthy mucous membranes. It also elicits cell growth, and promotes a healthy immune system. 

Orange Fruit Varieties

When discussing orange colored fruit, the primary candidate is of course the orange, but there are plenty of other orange colored citrus fruit that will give your body a healthful boost: mandarins, satsumas, kumquats, tangelo, clementine and tangerines for example. 

But orange colored fruit options don’t stop at citrus fruit. Other fruits that are orange include persimmons, apricots, peaches, nectarines, cantaloupe, mango, and papaya

Additional orange hued fruit might not be as obvious as they are usually classified as vegetables, but are, in fact, fruit. Botanically, fruit contains seeds and develops from the flowers of a plant, while vegetables are quantified as being a plant’s roots, stems or leaves. 

So in that vein, botanically speaking, all squash are fruit, which makes pumpkin, winter squash (such as kabocha and acorn), orange tomatoes and yes, even orange peppers are considered orange colored fruit. 

This article was last updated on 09/24/22
Read more about Fruits

If you love the sunny hues of orange, then you might want to try growing orange fruit. Orange colored fruit isn’t limited to the citrus orange; there are plenty of other orange colored fruit varieties, each packing a healthful punch. 

Why Should You Be Growing Orange Fruit? 

The plant pigments that color orange fruit varieties are called carotenoids. These same orange colored fruit contain beta-carotene which is converted in the body into vitamin A. Vitamin A plays a large part in helping to maintain vision and healthy mucous membranes. It also elicits cell growth, and promotes a healthy immune system. 

Orange Fruit Varieties

When discussing orange colored fruit, the primary candidate is of course the orange, but there are plenty of other orange colored citrus fruit that will give your body a healthful boost: mandarins, satsumas, kumquats, tangelo, clementine and tangerines for example. 

But orange colored fruit options don’t stop at citrus fruit. Other fruits that are orange include persimmons, apricots, peaches, nectarines, cantaloupe, mango, and papaya

Additional orange hued fruit might not be as obvious as they are usually classified as vegetables, but are, in fact, fruit. Botanically, fruit contains seeds and develops from the flowers of a plant, while vegetables are quantified as being a plant’s roots, stems or leaves. 

So in that vein, botanically speaking, all squash are fruit, which makes pumpkin, winter squash (such as kabocha and acorn), orange tomatoes and yes, even orange peppers are considered orange colored fruit. 

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