Liberty Bell Tomato Info: How To Grow Liberty Bell Tomato Plants

Tomatoes are an incredibly diverse fruit. Indeterminate, determinate, red, yellow, purple, white, big, medium, small – there are so many kinds of tomato out there, it can be overwhelming for the gardener looking to plant seeds. A good place to start, however, is knowing just what you want to do with your tomatoes. If you want a tomato with thick, firm sides and big empty spaces inside that you can stuff and grill, you can hardly do better than the Liberty Bell. Keep reading for more Liberty Bell info, including Liberty Bell tomato care and tips for how to grow Liberty Bell tomato plants.

Liberty Bell Tomato Info

What is a Liberty Bell tomato? Bred with cooking and stuffing in mind, the Liberty Bell tomato has very thick, sturdy sides and big seed chambers with lots of empty space inside. In fact, its shape and structure are very similar to those of a bell pepper, earning it its “Liberty Bell” name.

The average fruit usually reaches 3 inches (7.5 cm.) in diameter, and weighs about 7 ounces (200 g.). The flesh is very flavorful and sweet. Liberty Bell tomato plants are indeterminate, which means they grow in a long, vining formation and will continue to produce fruit until killed by frost. They are relatively short for indeterminate plants and tend to reach 4 to 5 feet in height (1.2-1.5 m.).

How to Grow Liberty Bell Tomato Plants

Growing Liberty Bell tomatoes is very similar to growing any kind of indeterminate tomato variety. Seeds or transplants should only be planted outdoors after all chance of frost has passed. Plants like full sun and regular, deep waterings.

Because these plants have longer stem growth, which continues to grow until the first frost, it’s usually recommended that they be staked to keep the fruit off the ground.

Tomatoes are usually ready to start harvesting in the middle of summer.

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