January King Cabbage Plants – Growing January King Winter Cabbage

Purple-Green January King Cabbage

Image by stargatechris

If you want to plant vegetables
that survive the winter
chill, take a lingering look at January King winter
. This beautiful semi-savoy cabbage has been a garden classic for
hundreds of years in England and is a favorite in this country as well.

January King cabbage plants survive winter’s worst,
including hard freezes and snowfall, to provide purple cabbage heads in
January. Read on for information on growing January King and tips for cabbage

January King Winter Cabbage

When you are growing January King cabbage plants, you are
growing the best cabbage in its class. These vigorous heirloom
produce gorgeous cabbage heads with pale green inner leaves and
outer leaves in deep purple tinged slightly with green.

The cabbages weigh around 3 to 5 pounds (1-2 kg.) and are
well filled, slightly flattened globes. Expect a harvest in January or
February. In some years, the harvest extends into March.

Fans call these plants indestructible because the cabbages
survive anything winter can throw at them. They sail through temperatures
approaching zero, don’t blink at a hard freeze, and offer a delightfully strong
cabbage flavor.

Growing January King Cabbages

If you want to start growing
these cabbages
, you’ll need to act quickly. The cabbages need almost twice
the grow time in winter as in summer, some 200 days from planting to maturity.

This may make you wonder just when to plant January King
cabbage? July is probably the best month for planting. While growing this
variety will occupy chunks of your garden for quite a few months, many
gardeners find it well worth the effort to pick
fresh cabbage
from the garden in January.

January King Cabbage Uses

The uses for this cabbage variety are virtually unlimited.
This is a culinary cabbage with a wonderfully powerful flavor. It works well in
thick soups, perfect for eating in January and February. They also do well in
casseroles and any dish that calls for cabbage. If you like stuffed cabbage,
this is definitely the one for you. It’s also great raw in cold slaws.

You can also collect seeds from January King cabbage. Just
wait until the seed stalks are dry, then collect and place them on a tarp. Walk
all over them to thresh out the seeds.

This article was last updated on 11/23/21
Read more about Cabbage

If you want to plant vegetables
that survive the winter
chill, take a lingering look at January King winter
. This beautiful semi-savoy cabbage has been a garden classic for
hundreds of years in England and is a favorite in this country as well.

January King cabbage plants survive winter’s worst,
including hard freezes and snowfall, to provide purple cabbage heads in
January. Read on for information on growing January King and tips for cabbage

January King Winter Cabbage

When you are growing January King cabbage plants, you are
growing the best cabbage in its class. These vigorous heirloom
produce gorgeous cabbage heads with pale green inner leaves and
outer leaves in deep purple tinged slightly with green.

The cabbages weigh around 3 to 5 pounds (1-2 kg.) and are
well filled, slightly flattened globes. Expect a harvest in January or
February. In some years, the harvest extends into March.

Fans call these plants indestructible because the cabbages
survive anything winter can throw at them. They sail through temperatures
approaching zero, don’t blink at a hard freeze, and offer a delightfully strong
cabbage flavor.

Growing January King Cabbages

If you want to start growing
these cabbages
, you’ll need to act quickly. The cabbages need almost twice
the grow time in winter as in summer, some 200 days from planting to maturity.

This may make you wonder just when to plant January King
cabbage? July is probably the best month for planting. While growing this
variety will occupy chunks of your garden for quite a few months, many
gardeners find it well worth the effort to pick
fresh cabbage
from the garden in January.

January King Cabbage Uses

The uses for this cabbage variety are virtually unlimited.
This is a culinary cabbage with a wonderfully powerful flavor. It works well in
thick soups, perfect for eating in January and February. They also do well in
casseroles and any dish that calls for cabbage. If you like stuffed cabbage,
this is definitely the one for you. It’s also great raw in cold slaws.

You can also collect seeds from January King cabbage. Just
wait until the seed stalks are dry, then collect and place them on a tarp. Walk
all over them to thresh out the seeds.

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