Houseplants And Skincare: Indoor Plants That Are Good For The Skin

Finger Pointing At White Spathiphyllum Flowers

Image by Straitel

Do you want soft skin from houseplants? You may not have
even thought about this, but houseplants and skincare go hand in hand. There
are many plants that are good for the skin, but not for reasons that you may
have thought about. Sure, you can grow aloe
for your skin, but let’s take a look at a few other reasons why you should be
growing plants for healthy skin.

Growing Plants for Healthy Skin

Part of having healthy skin is keeping your skin both
hydrated and free of toxins. Growing houseplants can achieve both of these.

Our skin is the largest organ of our body. Not only that, it
is also a major detoxification organ. Many houseplants
have been proven to detoxify the air
, thus lessening the burden on our skin
and body in detoxifying. A famous NASA study has documented the ability of
various plants in being able to remove many VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
that many materials inside of our homes emit. 

Houseplants also add moisture to the air, helping to keep
our skin hydrated which is very important for healthy skin. By the process of
transpiration, plants release moisture into the air and help to increase the
relative humidity of our indoor air. This is especially important in the winter
when air tends to be very dry. 

Plants That are Good for the Skin

What are some of the best houseplants for your skin?

  • Snake plantSnake plants are wonderful houseplants all around. They tolerate low light very well, release oxygen at night (and thus make good bedroom plants), and also remove a variety of chemicals from the air including benzene, formaldehyde and toluene. 
  • Peace lilyPeace lilies have a high transpiration rate and, therefore, help to increase the relative humidity of your room and benefiting your skin. It’s also highly rated as an air purifier because it removes a variety of toxins from indoor air including benzene, formaldehyde, toluene and xylene. 
  • Boston fernBoston ferns have a high transpiration rate and are wonderful for removing formaldehyde and benzene from the air.

Other plants with a high transpiration rate, which have the
added bonus of being highly rated as air purifiers, include English
, areca
, rubber
, and spider

In order to capitalize on houseplants’ ability to transpire
moisture into the air, try grouping numerous plants together. This will most
effectively increase the humidity in your air, and thus benefit your skin. It
will also clear toxins out of the indoor air that you breathe. 

This article was last updated on 11/19/21
Read more about General Houseplant Care

Do you want soft skin from houseplants? You may not have
even thought about this, but houseplants and skincare go hand in hand. There
are many plants that are good for the skin, but not for reasons that you may
have thought about. Sure, you can grow aloe
for your skin, but let’s take a look at a few other reasons why you should be
growing plants for healthy skin.

Growing Plants for Healthy Skin

Part of having healthy skin is keeping your skin both
hydrated and free of toxins. Growing houseplants can achieve both of these.

Our skin is the largest organ of our body. Not only that, it
is also a major detoxification organ. Many houseplants
have been proven to detoxify the air
, thus lessening the burden on our skin
and body in detoxifying. A famous NASA study has documented the ability of
various plants in being able to remove many VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
that many materials inside of our homes emit. 

Houseplants also add moisture to the air, helping to keep
our skin hydrated which is very important for healthy skin. By the process of
transpiration, plants release moisture into the air and help to increase the
relative humidity of our indoor air. This is especially important in the winter
when air tends to be very dry. 

Plants That are Good for the Skin

What are some of the best houseplants for your skin?

  • Snake plantSnake plants are wonderful houseplants all around. They tolerate low light very well, release oxygen at night (and thus make good bedroom plants), and also remove a variety of chemicals from the air including benzene, formaldehyde and toluene. 
  • Peace lilyPeace lilies have a high transpiration rate and, therefore, help to increase the relative humidity of your room and benefiting your skin. It’s also highly rated as an air purifier because it removes a variety of toxins from indoor air including benzene, formaldehyde, toluene and xylene. 
  • Boston fernBoston ferns have a high transpiration rate and are wonderful for removing formaldehyde and benzene from the air.

Other plants with a high transpiration rate, which have the
added bonus of being highly rated as air purifiers, include English
, areca
, rubber
, and spider

In order to capitalize on houseplants’ ability to transpire
moisture into the air, try grouping numerous plants together. This will most
effectively increase the humidity in your air, and thus benefit your skin. It
will also clear toxins out of the indoor air that you breathe. 

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