Heat Tolerant Tomato Plants – Tomato Growing Tips For South Central States

Tomato Plant With Large Red Tomatoes

Image by Helios4Eos

Vegetable gardeners in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana are quick to share their tomato growing tips they learned from the School of Hard Knocks. Experience teaches them which varieties are best in the heat, when to start tomato transplants, how often to water, when to fertilize and what to do about pests and diseases. Keep reading to learn more about tomato growing in southern regions like this.

Southern Tomato Gardening

Successful tomato growing in southern regions depends a lot on the weather. They have a short season for growing tomatoes – from last frost to heat of summer. Once temperatures reach 85 degrees F. (29 C.) during the day and mid 70’s (21 C.) at night, tomato plants will start aborting the flowers.

To combat the short season, it’s recommended that gardeners
start their seeds earlier than usual, at about 10 weeks before the last average
frost date. Then as the transplants grow indoors, transfer them into
increasingly larger containers. When it is time to plant outside, gardeners
should have gallon-pot-size tomatoes ready to bear fruit.

Alternatively, buy transplants early from eager garden
centers and keep them growing indoors till last frost date arrives.

Soil Preparation

Always buy varieties with disease resistance. In a short
growing season, the less disease to deal with, the better.

Before planting outside, it’s very important to have your
site prepared. It should be in full sun, at least six hours a day, with good
drainage and well amended soil. If possible, obtain a soil
from the local cooperative extension group and correct any
deficiencies. The pH should be between 5.8 and 7.2. Soil temperature should be
above 60 degrees F. (16 C.).

If the drainage is less than ideal, raised beds will work or mound up the soil 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm.). Place transplants deeper into the soil than they were in the pot, close to lower leaves. If transplant is spindly, lay the lower part on its side beneath the soil. Add a tomato cage or spike to support the plant and fruit.

Mulch plants with organic material such as hay, compost, or leaves to reduce weeds, improve moisture retention and eliminate crusting of soil.

Water and Fertilizer

Consistent and ample watering
of one inch a week (2.5 cm.) can help prevent
and blossom
end rot
. Water every two to four days to keep soil moist but not soggy.
Using a soaker hose or drip irrigation system will help prevent foliar diseases
brought on by overhead watering.

Tomatoes are heavy feeders so plan to fertilize several times till plants mature. Start at planting time with 1 to 2 pounds (0.5-1 kg.) of 10-20-10 garden fertilizer per 100 square feet (9.29 sq. m.) or 1 tablespoon (15 ml.) per plant. When the first fruits are one-third grown, side dress with 3 pounds (1 kg.) per 100 foot (30.5 m.) rows or 2 tablespoons (30 ml.) per plant. Apply the second application two weeks after first ripe fruit and again one month later. Carefully work fertilizer into soil then water well.

Pests and Diseases

Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to pest and
disease control. Be certain plants have adequate
for good air circulation. Examine the plants at least once a week
to look for signs of pests or disease. Catching them early is the best defense.

Copper sprays can ward off several fungal and bacterial diseases such as septoria leaf spot, bacterial spot, anthracnose, and gray leaf mold.

Reduce the numbers of mites and aphids by aiming a spray of water toward the leaves from beneath the foliage. Insecticidal soap can also be used on aphids as well as young caterpillars. Stink bugs can be knocked into a bucket of soapy water.

Be aware of diseases to watch out for that can be identified
with an online fact sheet from your states’ university extension service.

Choosing Tomatoes in Texas And Surrounding States

Due to the short season, it is recommended to buy small to medium size transplants and those that have shorter days to mature. The larger sized tomatoes will take a longer time to grow. By choosing determinate tomatoes, which produce an abundance of tomatoes in one harvest, you will be finished tomato gardening before the dog days of summer. If you want tomatoes all summer, also plant indeterminate varieties, which produce till frost.

Recommended varieties include Celebrity (determinate) and Better
(indeterminate) for red fruit. For containers,
Lizzano matures in 50 days. For small fruits, Super
Sweet 100
and Juliette are dependable.

New heat
tolerant tomato plants
that set fruit above 90 degrees F. (32 C.) arrive
every year, so it’s best to consult the local garden center or extension
for the latest hybrids. You should still find these heat tolerant
varieties available:

This article was last updated on 12/13/21
Read more about South Central

Vegetable gardeners in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana are quick to share their tomato growing tips they learned from the School of Hard Knocks. Experience teaches them which varieties are best in the heat, when to start tomato transplants, how often to water, when to fertilize and what to do about pests and diseases. Keep reading to learn more about tomato growing in southern regions like this.

Southern Tomato Gardening

Successful tomato growing in southern regions depends a lot on the weather. They have a short season for growing tomatoes – from last frost to heat of summer. Once temperatures reach 85 degrees F. (29 C.) during the day and mid 70’s (21 C.) at night, tomato plants will start aborting the flowers.

To combat the short season, it’s recommended that gardeners
start their seeds earlier than usual, at about 10 weeks before the last average
frost date. Then as the transplants grow indoors, transfer them into
increasingly larger containers. When it is time to plant outside, gardeners
should have gallon-pot-size tomatoes ready to bear fruit.

Alternatively, buy transplants early from eager garden
centers and keep them growing indoors till last frost date arrives.

Soil Preparation

Always buy varieties with disease resistance. In a short
growing season, the less disease to deal with, the better.

Before planting outside, it’s very important to have your
site prepared. It should be in full sun, at least six hours a day, with good
drainage and well amended soil. If possible, obtain a soil
from the local cooperative extension group and correct any
deficiencies. The pH should be between 5.8 and 7.2. Soil temperature should be
above 60 degrees F. (16 C.).

If the drainage is less than ideal, raised beds will work or mound up the soil 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm.). Place transplants deeper into the soil than they were in the pot, close to lower leaves. If transplant is spindly, lay the lower part on its side beneath the soil. Add a tomato cage or spike to support the plant and fruit.

Mulch plants with organic material such as hay, compost, or leaves to reduce weeds, improve moisture retention and eliminate crusting of soil.

Water and Fertilizer

Consistent and ample watering
of one inch a week (2.5 cm.) can help prevent
and blossom
end rot
. Water every two to four days to keep soil moist but not soggy.
Using a soaker hose or drip irrigation system will help prevent foliar diseases
brought on by overhead watering.

Tomatoes are heavy feeders so plan to fertilize several times till plants mature. Start at planting time with 1 to 2 pounds (0.5-1 kg.) of 10-20-10 garden fertilizer per 100 square feet (9.29 sq. m.) or 1 tablespoon (15 ml.) per plant. When the first fruits are one-third grown, side dress with 3 pounds (1 kg.) per 100 foot (30.5 m.) rows or 2 tablespoons (30 ml.) per plant. Apply the second application two weeks after first ripe fruit and again one month later. Carefully work fertilizer into soil then water well.

Pests and Diseases

Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to pest and
disease control. Be certain plants have adequate
for good air circulation. Examine the plants at least once a week
to look for signs of pests or disease. Catching them early is the best defense.

Copper sprays can ward off several fungal and bacterial diseases such as septoria leaf spot, bacterial spot, anthracnose, and gray leaf mold.

Reduce the numbers of mites and aphids by aiming a spray of water toward the leaves from beneath the foliage. Insecticidal soap can also be used on aphids as well as young caterpillars. Stink bugs can be knocked into a bucket of soapy water.

Be aware of diseases to watch out for that can be identified
with an online fact sheet from your states’ university extension service.

Choosing Tomatoes in Texas And Surrounding States

Due to the short season, it is recommended to buy small to medium size transplants and those that have shorter days to mature. The larger sized tomatoes will take a longer time to grow. By choosing determinate tomatoes, which produce an abundance of tomatoes in one harvest, you will be finished tomato gardening before the dog days of summer. If you want tomatoes all summer, also plant indeterminate varieties, which produce till frost.

Recommended varieties include Celebrity (determinate) and Better
(indeterminate) for red fruit. For containers,
Lizzano matures in 50 days. For small fruits, Super
Sweet 100
and Juliette are dependable.

New heat
tolerant tomato plants
that set fruit above 90 degrees F. (32 C.) arrive
every year, so it’s best to consult the local garden center or extension
for the latest hybrids. You should still find these heat tolerant
varieties available:

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