Gardening By The Moon: Learn How To Plant By Moon Phases

Gardeners who rely on planting by the moon’s phases are convinced that this ancient tradition produces healthier, more vigorous plants and bigger crops. Many gardeners agree that planting by the moon really works. Others think moon phase gardening is pure myth and malarkey.

The only way to know for sure is to give moon phase
gardening a try. After all, what can it hurt? (And it just may help!) Let’s
learn a little more about how to garden by the moon.

How to Plant by Moon Phases

When the moon is waxing: This is the time to start planting annual flowers such as marigolds, nasturtiums, and petunias. Why? During the waxing of the moon (the period extending from the day the moon is new to the day it reaches its fullest point), the moon pulls moisture upwards. Seeds do well during this time because moisture is available at the surface of the soil.

This is also the time to plant above-ground vegetables such

Don’t plant below-ground plants during this time; according
to old-timers, the plants will be full and leafy on top with little growth
under the ground.

When the moon is
: Below-ground plants should be planted when the moon is waning (from
the time it reaches its fullest point to the day just before the full moon).
This is the period when the moon’s gravitational pull decreases slightly and
roots grow downward.

Take advantage of this time to plant flowering bulbs such as iris, daffodils, and tulips and vegetables like:

When the moon is dark:
Don’t plant anything when the moon is at its darkest point; this is a resting
period and plants won’t do well. However, many gardeners say this time of slow
growth is ideal for getting rid of weeds.

The Old Farmer’s Almanac offers a Moon Phases and Lunar
Calendar here.

This article was last updated on 10/27/21
Read more about Gardening Tips & Information

Gardeners who rely on planting by the moon’s phases are convinced that this ancient tradition produces healthier, more vigorous plants and bigger crops. Many gardeners agree that planting by the moon really works. Others think moon phase gardening is pure myth and malarkey.

The only way to know for sure is to give moon phase
gardening a try. After all, what can it hurt? (And it just may help!) Let’s
learn a little more about how to garden by the moon.

How to Plant by Moon Phases

When the moon is waxing: This is the time to start planting annual flowers such as marigolds, nasturtiums, and petunias. Why? During the waxing of the moon (the period extending from the day the moon is new to the day it reaches its fullest point), the moon pulls moisture upwards. Seeds do well during this time because moisture is available at the surface of the soil.

This is also the time to plant above-ground vegetables such

Don’t plant below-ground plants during this time; according
to old-timers, the plants will be full and leafy on top with little growth
under the ground.

When the moon is
: Below-ground plants should be planted when the moon is waning (from
the time it reaches its fullest point to the day just before the full moon).
This is the period when the moon’s gravitational pull decreases slightly and
roots grow downward.

Take advantage of this time to plant flowering bulbs such as iris, daffodils, and tulips and vegetables like:

When the moon is dark:
Don’t plant anything when the moon is at its darkest point; this is a resting
period and plants won’t do well. However, many gardeners say this time of slow
growth is ideal for getting rid of weeds.

The Old Farmer’s Almanac offers a Moon Phases and Lunar
Calendar here.

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