Fragrant Climbing Vines For Arbors And Trellises

Image by ablokhin

Building a beautiful landscape requires careful planning and attention to detail. While trees and large shrubs serve to frame the yard space, colorful flower beds can attract our eyes to beautiful focal plants. Size, shape, and texture all play an important role in ensuring an overall cohesive appearance to the ornamental garden. One commonly overlooked aspect of garden design, however, is height. Adding height to the landscape is a sure way to help the space appear more lush, interesting, and vibrant. This aspect is often achieved through the use of fragrant climbing vines.

Climbing Fragrant Flowers

Fragrant vines for the home flower garden are generally divided into one of two categories: annuals or perennials. Though most flowering vines are easy to grow, they require a secure support onto which they are able to climb. This can be accomplished through the use of simple plant netting, decorative trellises, and/or large arbors. The type of support used also depends greatly upon the plant species. In fact, there are several ways in which various species of plant grow upwards. Among the most common types are those which twine, sprawl, or attach directly to surfaces. 

Annual Climbers

Annual climbing vines are those which will grow quickly and begin to flower and set seed in one season. Most of these plants can easily be grown from seed by direct sowing into the soil after the last frost has passed each spring. Some of the most popular annual vines for trellises are sweet peas, morning glories, hyacinth beans and black-eyed-susan vines. Moonflower, an exceptionally fragrant climbing flower, is often a good choice for growth near patios and walkways. 

Perennial Climbers

Perennial climbing vines may take several growing seasons to become established. However, mature plants will reward landscapers with a profusion of blooms one season after another. Where they’re hardy, perennial vines may also grow to reach impressive sizes. These specimens require routine care in order to keep them looking their best. General care includes seasonal applications of fertilizer, as well as careful pruning. Clematis, wisteria, and jasmine are all quite popular choices. Fragrant climbing roses can also add exceptional ornamental value to the landscape. 

Though there are many options available, it’s essential to research each plant type before making an addition to your garden. In some regions, certain types of fast-growing vines are considered to be highly invasive and a threat to native plant species. Local agriculture extension offices and regional regulations regarding invasive plants and noxious weeds can offer more specific guidance to gardeners. 

This article was last updated on 10/06/22
Read more about Vines

Building a beautiful landscape requires careful planning and attention to detail. While trees and large shrubs serve to frame the yard space, colorful flower beds can attract our eyes to beautiful focal plants. Size, shape, and texture all play an important role in ensuring an overall cohesive appearance to the ornamental garden. One commonly overlooked aspect of garden design, however, is height. Adding height to the landscape is a sure way to help the space appear more lush, interesting, and vibrant. This aspect is often achieved through the use of fragrant climbing vines.

Climbing Fragrant Flowers

Fragrant vines for the home flower garden are generally divided into one of two categories: annuals or perennials. Though most flowering vines are easy to grow, they require a secure support onto which they are able to climb. This can be accomplished through the use of simple plant netting, decorative trellises, and/or large arbors. The type of support used also depends greatly upon the plant species. In fact, there are several ways in which various species of plant grow upwards. Among the most common types are those which twine, sprawl, or attach directly to surfaces. 

Annual Climbers

Annual climbing vines are those which will grow quickly and begin to flower and set seed in one season. Most of these plants can easily be grown from seed by direct sowing into the soil after the last frost has passed each spring. Some of the most popular annual vines for trellises are sweet peas, morning glories, hyacinth beans and black-eyed-susan vines. Moonflower, an exceptionally fragrant climbing flower, is often a good choice for growth near patios and walkways. 

Perennial Climbers

Perennial climbing vines may take several growing seasons to become established. However, mature plants will reward landscapers with a profusion of blooms one season after another. Where they’re hardy, perennial vines may also grow to reach impressive sizes. These specimens require routine care in order to keep them looking their best. General care includes seasonal applications of fertilizer, as well as careful pruning. Clematis, wisteria, and jasmine are all quite popular choices. Fragrant climbing roses can also add exceptional ornamental value to the landscape. 

Though there are many options available, it’s essential to research each plant type before making an addition to your garden. In some regions, certain types of fast-growing vines are considered to be highly invasive and a threat to native plant species. Local agriculture extension offices and regional regulations regarding invasive plants and noxious weeds can offer more specific guidance to gardeners. 

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