Do-It-Yourself Floral Pumpkin Centerpiece

You can make a beautiful floral pumpkin centerpiece for only $13. Or even less if you use flowers from your own garden! Here are the supplies you’ll need:

  • Pumpkin or Large Gourd
  • Vase or Mason Jar
  • Pruners
  • Sharp Knife
  • Scissors
  • Scooper
  • Fresh Cut Flowers

First, measure the circumference of the vase, and cut a hole of about the same size in the top of the pumpkin. Scoop out the insides, but be sure to save them to share with the local wildlife. Set the vase inside the pumpkin, and fill it with water. Measure your flowers against the height of the pumpkin, and cut the stems so that the flowers reach just over the top of the hole. Then arrange them so they make a full bouquet, with some flowers and greenery covering the edge of the hole. If you want, supplement with more flowers from your garden until it looks just right.

This pumpkin centerpiece will serve as a beautiful fall addition to your home. Once the pumpkin starts to turn, don’t throw it away! Put it outside, where the wildlife will be sure to enjoy it, too.

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