Compost And Slugs – Are Slugs Good For Compost

Slug On Compost Soil

Image by visualdensity

Nobody likes slugs, those gross, slimy pests that eat their way through our prized vegetable gardens and wreak havoc in our carefully tended flower beds. It may seem odd, but slugs are actually valuable in certain ways, especially when it comes to composting. In fact, slugs in compost should be welcomed, not shunned. Below, we explore the idea of compost and slugs and provide helpful tips for managing compost slugs.

About Compost and Slugs

Are slugs good for compost? Slugs
usually feed on living plant matter, but they also like plant debris and fresh
garbage. For slugs, the compost
is a perfect environment.

What could be good about slugs in compost? Slugs are experts
at breaking down organic matter, thus contributing to the process of
decomposition. In fact, some gardeners don’t kill slugs at all. Instead, they
actually pick the critters off plants and toss them in the compost bin.

Don’t worry too much that slugs in compost may end up in
your flower beds. It’s possible that a few may survive, but many will die of
old age before the compost leaves the bin. Also, slugs tend to hang out in
fresh material that hasn’t yet decomposed.

Similarly, slug
usually aren’t a problem because they’re eaten by beetles and
other organisms in the bin, or they simply get squished and decompose. If
you’re still not happy about the idea of slugs in compost, there are ways of
managing compost slugs.

Tips on Managing Compost Slugs

Never use slug bait or pellets in your compost bin. The pellets kill not only slugs but other beneficial organisms that help process waste into compost.

Encourage natural predators that feed on slugs, such as
ground beetles, toads, frogs, hedgehogs, and some types of birds (including

Increase the amount of carbon-rich ingredients in your compost bin, as large numbers of slugs in compost may be a sign that your compost is too soggy. Add shredded newspaper, straw, or dry leaves.

Slugs usually prefer the top of the compost, where they can
get at fresh organic material. If you’re able to reach into your compost bin,
pick the slugs out at night and drop them into a bucket of soapy water.

This article was last updated on 10/04/21
Read more about Composting Basics

Nobody likes slugs, those gross, slimy pests that eat their way through our prized vegetable gardens and wreak havoc in our carefully tended flower beds. It may seem odd, but slugs are actually valuable in certain ways, especially when it comes to composting. In fact, slugs in compost should be welcomed, not shunned. Below, we explore the idea of compost and slugs and provide helpful tips for managing compost slugs.

About Compost and Slugs

Are slugs good for compost? Slugs
usually feed on living plant matter, but they also like plant debris and fresh
garbage. For slugs, the compost
is a perfect environment.

What could be good about slugs in compost? Slugs are experts
at breaking down organic matter, thus contributing to the process of
decomposition. In fact, some gardeners don’t kill slugs at all. Instead, they
actually pick the critters off plants and toss them in the compost bin.

Don’t worry too much that slugs in compost may end up in
your flower beds. It’s possible that a few may survive, but many will die of
old age before the compost leaves the bin. Also, slugs tend to hang out in
fresh material that hasn’t yet decomposed.

Similarly, slug
usually aren’t a problem because they’re eaten by beetles and
other organisms in the bin, or they simply get squished and decompose. If
you’re still not happy about the idea of slugs in compost, there are ways of
managing compost slugs.

Tips on Managing Compost Slugs

Never use slug bait or pellets in your compost bin. The pellets kill not only slugs but other beneficial organisms that help process waste into compost.

Encourage natural predators that feed on slugs, such as
ground beetles, toads, frogs, hedgehogs, and some types of birds (including

Increase the amount of carbon-rich ingredients in your compost bin, as large numbers of slugs in compost may be a sign that your compost is too soggy. Add shredded newspaper, straw, or dry leaves.

Slugs usually prefer the top of the compost, where they can
get at fresh organic material. If you’re able to reach into your compost bin,
pick the slugs out at night and drop them into a bucket of soapy water.

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