Cleaning Garden Sculptures: What To Clean Garden Statues With

Dirty Garden Statue

Image by Kimbra Ritchie

Garden statuary, bird baths, and fountains are fun and
decorative additions to the landscape but just like the garden, they require
maintenance. How do you clean a garden statue? Cleaning garden sculptures
requires ingredients found in your kitchen, some elbow grease, and little else.
Begin by washing sculptures in the garden with plain tap water, a gentle spray
from the hose should do it. Read on to find out what to clean garden statues

What to Clean Garden Statues With?

For items such as fountains,
chlorine tabs make quick work of cleaning, but cleaning garden sculptures is
going to require a bit more effort. First of all, there is no need to purchase
expensive cleansers when cleaning garden decorations. You will find everything
you need in your household cleaning closet.

Whether the statue is made of bronze, concrete, wood, or
marble, all you should need are a few drops of liquid dish soap mixed with
water. Be sure that the soap is nontoxic so it doesn’t kill your plants. Some
sites recommend using vinegar and water, but acidic vinegar can ruin some
materials, such as marble, so it’s best to stick with the soap and water when
cleaning garden sculptures.

Avoid using chemical cleansers when washing sculptures in
the garden, as they may damage or kill surrounding plants and/or tarnish the sculpture.

How Do You Clean a Garden Statue?

Don’t attempt to clean statuary, especially concrete
sculptures, if temperatures are near or below freezing. Concrete absorbs
moisture and is likely to crack as it expands. Start by spraying the garden
statue with a sprayer nozzle attached to a garden
. Don’t get out the power washer! The forceful spray may damage the
statue, especially if it is small or painted. If the sculpture is small and
delicate, dispense with the hosing and use a soft paint brush to gently remove
dust and debris.

Once you have rinsed off the largest debris and grime, mix
up a batch of dish soap and water. Just a few drops of environmentally friendly
soap to a bucket of water will be sufficient. Depending upon the level of
grime, use either a soft cloth or a scrub brush to remove stains and dirt.
Gently rinse the soap from the statue and either wipe dry with a soft cloth or
allow to air dry.

For the most part, cleaning your garden statues is just that
simple, although there are a few limitations depending upon material. If the
statue is made of wood, be sure to wash with the grain of the wood and raise
the statue off the ground so it can dry thoroughly. If a statue is made of
iron, scrape the metal with sandpaper and then, using a wire brush, wash with
soap and water.

Lastly, if your garden statuary is made from bronze, you may
need to apply a thin coat of wax after the statue has been washed and dried.
Use a clear wax, not car wax, and buff it once the wax has dried to make your
statue shine.

This article was last updated on 11/23/21
Read more about Gardening Tips & Information

Garden statuary, bird baths, and fountains are fun and
decorative additions to the landscape but just like the garden, they require
maintenance. How do you clean a garden statue? Cleaning garden sculptures
requires ingredients found in your kitchen, some elbow grease, and little else.
Begin by washing sculptures in the garden with plain tap water, a gentle spray
from the hose should do it. Read on to find out what to clean garden statues

What to Clean Garden Statues With?

For items such as fountains,
chlorine tabs make quick work of cleaning, but cleaning garden sculptures is
going to require a bit more effort. First of all, there is no need to purchase
expensive cleansers when cleaning garden decorations. You will find everything
you need in your household cleaning closet.

Whether the statue is made of bronze, concrete, wood, or
marble, all you should need are a few drops of liquid dish soap mixed with
water. Be sure that the soap is nontoxic so it doesn’t kill your plants. Some
sites recommend using vinegar and water, but acidic vinegar can ruin some
materials, such as marble, so it’s best to stick with the soap and water when
cleaning garden sculptures.

Avoid using chemical cleansers when washing sculptures in
the garden, as they may damage or kill surrounding plants and/or tarnish the sculpture.

How Do You Clean a Garden Statue?

Don’t attempt to clean statuary, especially concrete
sculptures, if temperatures are near or below freezing. Concrete absorbs
moisture and is likely to crack as it expands. Start by spraying the garden
statue with a sprayer nozzle attached to a garden
. Don’t get out the power washer! The forceful spray may damage the
statue, especially if it is small or painted. If the sculpture is small and
delicate, dispense with the hosing and use a soft paint brush to gently remove
dust and debris.

Once you have rinsed off the largest debris and grime, mix
up a batch of dish soap and water. Just a few drops of environmentally friendly
soap to a bucket of water will be sufficient. Depending upon the level of
grime, use either a soft cloth or a scrub brush to remove stains and dirt.
Gently rinse the soap from the statue and either wipe dry with a soft cloth or
allow to air dry.

For the most part, cleaning your garden statues is just that
simple, although there are a few limitations depending upon material. If the
statue is made of wood, be sure to wash with the grain of the wood and raise
the statue off the ground so it can dry thoroughly. If a statue is made of
iron, scrape the metal with sandpaper and then, using a wire brush, wash with
soap and water.

Lastly, if your garden statuary is made from bronze, you may
need to apply a thin coat of wax after the statue has been washed and dried.
Use a clear wax, not car wax, and buff it once the wax has dried to make your
statue shine.

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