Butterfly Gardening – Using Butterfly Garden Plants

Two Orange Butterflies Sitting On Pink Flowers

Image by vsanderson

By Stan V. Griep

American Rose Society Consulting Master Rosarian – Rocky Mountain District

The list of welcome garden visitors includes not only our friends, family members, and “furry” friends (our dogs, cats, and maybe even a rabbit or two), but also ladybugs, praying mantis, dragonflies, bees, and butterflies to name a few. One of my favorite garden guests, though, is the butterfly. Let’s look at plants that attract butterflies, so that you can welcome these flying beauties.

Starting Butterfly Gardening

If you like to see the butterflies gracefully dancing about your smiling blooms like I do, planting some flowering plants that help attract them is a great thing to do. Perhaps you should create a bed with butterfly garden plants as it will not only attract the butterflies but other wonderful garden visitors such as the delightful hummingbirds.

Butterflies gracefully dancing about the blooms in my rose beds and wildflower garden are truly a highlight to my morning garden walks. When our Linden tree blooms, it not only fills the air all around it with a wonderful and intoxicating fragrance, but it also attracts the butterflies and bees. Planting flowers that attract butterflies is all you need to do to start butterfly gardening.

List of Butterfly Garden Plants

The beauty and grace that butterflies bring to one’s garden are far greater than any garden ornament that you could ever purchase. So, let’s take a look at some flowering plants for butterfly gardens that attract butterflies. Here is a listing of some plants that attract butterflies:

Flowers That Attract Butterflies

This is just a partial listing of some of the flowering plants that attract butterflies to our gardens, and they not only attract these beautiful, graceful visitors but add colorful beauty to our gardens as well. Further research on your part will help you to zero in on exactly what types of plants attract specific types of butterflies and other wonderful garden visitors to your gardens. This type of butterfly gardening has many levels of enjoyment to it; I am speaking from a point of personal experience. Enjoy your gardens!

This article was last updated on 02/23/22
Read more about Beneficial Garden Friends

By Stan V. Griep

American Rose Society Consulting Master Rosarian – Rocky Mountain District

The list of welcome garden visitors includes not only our friends, family members, and “furry” friends (our dogs, cats, and maybe even a rabbit or two), but also ladybugs, praying mantis, dragonflies, bees, and butterflies to name a few. One of my favorite garden guests, though, is the butterfly. Let’s look at plants that attract butterflies, so that you can welcome these flying beauties.

Starting Butterfly Gardening

If you like to see the butterflies gracefully dancing about your smiling blooms like I do, planting some flowering plants that help attract them is a great thing to do. Perhaps you should create a bed with butterfly garden plants as it will not only attract the butterflies but other wonderful garden visitors such as the delightful hummingbirds.

Butterflies gracefully dancing about the blooms in my rose beds and wildflower garden are truly a highlight to my morning garden walks. When our Linden tree blooms, it not only fills the air all around it with a wonderful and intoxicating fragrance, but it also attracts the butterflies and bees. Planting flowers that attract butterflies is all you need to do to start butterfly gardening.

List of Butterfly Garden Plants

The beauty and grace that butterflies bring to one’s garden are far greater than any garden ornament that you could ever purchase. So, let’s take a look at some flowering plants for butterfly gardens that attract butterflies. Here is a listing of some plants that attract butterflies:

Flowers That Attract Butterflies

This is just a partial listing of some of the flowering plants that attract butterflies to our gardens, and they not only attract these beautiful, graceful visitors but add colorful beauty to our gardens as well. Further research on your part will help you to zero in on exactly what types of plants attract specific types of butterflies and other wonderful garden visitors to your gardens. This type of butterfly gardening has many levels of enjoyment to it; I am speaking from a point of personal experience. Enjoy your gardens!

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