Blue Succulent Varieties: Growing Succulents That Are Blue

Blue Succulent Plant

Image by raweenuttapong

are among the most diverse and varied groups of flora. They come in
a tremendous number of hues and colors, but one of the most impactful are blue
succulent plants. Succulents that are blue create a perfect foil for other
varieties and lend a cool aspect to a dish garden or outdoor space. If you want
to bring in blue succulent varieties to your collection, keep reading.

Small Types of Blue Succulents

Chlorophyll brings out the green tones in plants and is an
important part of their photosynthesis.
All plants need to perform photosynthesis to create carbohydrates which fuel
growth, cell production, and other drives. So what makes a blue plant? Blue
varieties of succulent have a different type of chlorophyll which refracts
sunlight with a blue-green tone. Adding to certain pigment differences in the
skin, the overall effect is a blue plant.

It is quite common to hybridize and graft certain
succulents. Sedum
is an excellent example of a group of plants that now has hundreds of cultivars
and species. One of these, Blue Spruce, has light blue skin and fleshy small
leaves. There are many “blue” sedums. Many have a chalky coating over
the blue which softens the tone.

are another group with numerous blue succulent plants. Dudleya
is a family with many blue varieties of succulent that remain small, perfect
for dish gardens. Blue
chalk sticks
make an excellent groundcover or trailing plant.

Larger Blue Succulent Varieties

In southwestern gardens, you will often encounter big agave
. These erect leaved succulents come in many sizes but also have
several plants with blue hues. Aloes
are often confused with agave
but some of these may also have bluish tones.

Similar in form but with slightly twisted, more delicate
leaves are the Dasylirion,
better known as sotol or desert spoon. Most yucca
have a bluish gray cast and can be simple shrubs or grown into
massive tree-like forms.

Tips on Caring for Succulents That are Blue

The amount of light your succulent receives can actually
change the skin color. Most succulents prefer plenty of sunlight, and blue
plants are no exception. In lower light situations, you may see the plant
turning a greener hue or simply fading.

Allow for plenty of sun to keep the blue color intense. Feed
succulents once per year at the beginning of the growing season. Follow good
plant care as stated on the labels, as every succulent has slightly different

This article was last updated on 11/11/21
Read more about General Cactus Care

are among the most diverse and varied groups of flora. They come in
a tremendous number of hues and colors, but one of the most impactful are blue
succulent plants. Succulents that are blue create a perfect foil for other
varieties and lend a cool aspect to a dish garden or outdoor space. If you want
to bring in blue succulent varieties to your collection, keep reading.

Small Types of Blue Succulents

Chlorophyll brings out the green tones in plants and is an
important part of their photosynthesis.
All plants need to perform photosynthesis to create carbohydrates which fuel
growth, cell production, and other drives. So what makes a blue plant? Blue
varieties of succulent have a different type of chlorophyll which refracts
sunlight with a blue-green tone. Adding to certain pigment differences in the
skin, the overall effect is a blue plant.

It is quite common to hybridize and graft certain
succulents. Sedum
is an excellent example of a group of plants that now has hundreds of cultivars
and species. One of these, Blue Spruce, has light blue skin and fleshy small
leaves. There are many “blue” sedums. Many have a chalky coating over
the blue which softens the tone.

are another group with numerous blue succulent plants. Dudleya
is a family with many blue varieties of succulent that remain small, perfect
for dish gardens. Blue
chalk sticks
make an excellent groundcover or trailing plant.

Larger Blue Succulent Varieties

In southwestern gardens, you will often encounter big agave
. These erect leaved succulents come in many sizes but also have
several plants with blue hues. Aloes
are often confused with agave
but some of these may also have bluish tones.

Similar in form but with slightly twisted, more delicate
leaves are the Dasylirion,
better known as sotol or desert spoon. Most yucca
have a bluish gray cast and can be simple shrubs or grown into
massive tree-like forms.

Tips on Caring for Succulents That are Blue

The amount of light your succulent receives can actually
change the skin color. Most succulents prefer plenty of sunlight, and blue
plants are no exception. In lower light situations, you may see the plant
turning a greener hue or simply fading.

Allow for plenty of sun to keep the blue color intense. Feed
succulents once per year at the beginning of the growing season. Follow good
plant care as stated on the labels, as every succulent has slightly different

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