Aurelian Trumpet Lily Info: Tips For Planting Trumpet Lily Bulbs

trumpet lilies

Image by DeborahJClark

What is an Aurelian lily? Also called a trumpet lily, it’s one of the ten main types of lilies grown in the world, although a huge expanse of hybrids and different cultivars makes for some serious variety. Aurelian, or trumpet, lilies are known for their huge, trumpet-shaped blossoms and impressive height. They’re a great addition to any garden. But how do you go about planting trumpet lily bulbs? Keep reading to learn more about Aurelian trumpet lily info and trumpet lily plant care.

Information About Trumpet Lilies and Their Care

Planting trumpet lily bulbs is very similar to planting most lily varieties. You can plant the bulbs in either the fall or the spring in neutral soil. You want your soil to be fertile and well-draining, so add compost or gritty material if need be.

Planting trumpet lily bulbs is possible both in containers and in the garden. Remember that the plants can reach 6 feet (2 m.) in height, however, so make sure to use a large, heavy pot. If you’re planting outdoors, space the bulbs 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm.) apart and 8 inches (20.5 cm.) deep.

Feed your bulbs with a balanced fertilizer such as 5-10-10 or 10-10-10, making sure the fertilizer doesn’t directly touch the bulb (this could burn and damage it).

Once the bulbs have sprouted, trumpet lily plant care is relatively easy. The plants grow very tall, so staking is usually necessary. Place your stakes at the same time you plant the bulbs so as not to disturb the roots later.

Keep feeding your trumpet lilies with a balanced liquid fertilizer as they grow. They should bloom in midsummer. Some varieties have a wonderful scent, while others have none – it all depends upon what you plant.

And that’s all there is to it! Growing Aurelian trumpet lilies in the garden is an easy process and their low maintenance will ensure plenty more of these plants in years to come.

This article was last updated on 07/04/22
Read more about Lilies

What is an Aurelian lily? Also called a trumpet lily, it’s one of the ten main types of lilies grown in the world, although a huge expanse of hybrids and different cultivars makes for some serious variety. Aurelian, or trumpet, lilies are known for their huge, trumpet-shaped blossoms and impressive height. They’re a great addition to any garden. But how do you go about planting trumpet lily bulbs? Keep reading to learn more about Aurelian trumpet lily info and trumpet lily plant care.

Information About Trumpet Lilies and Their Care

Planting trumpet lily bulbs is very similar to planting most lily varieties. You can plant the bulbs in either the fall or the spring in neutral soil. You want your soil to be fertile and well-draining, so add compost or gritty material if need be.

Planting trumpet lily bulbs is possible both in containers and in the garden. Remember that the plants can reach 6 feet (2 m.) in height, however, so make sure to use a large, heavy pot. If you’re planting outdoors, space the bulbs 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm.) apart and 8 inches (20.5 cm.) deep.

Feed your bulbs with a balanced fertilizer such as 5-10-10 or 10-10-10, making sure the fertilizer doesn’t directly touch the bulb (this could burn and damage it).

Once the bulbs have sprouted, trumpet lily plant care is relatively easy. The plants grow very tall, so staking is usually necessary. Place your stakes at the same time you plant the bulbs so as not to disturb the roots later.

Keep feeding your trumpet lilies with a balanced liquid fertilizer as they grow. They should bloom in midsummer. Some varieties have a wonderful scent, while others have none – it all depends upon what you plant.

And that’s all there is to it! Growing Aurelian trumpet lilies in the garden is an easy process and their low maintenance will ensure plenty more of these plants in years to come.

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