How Many Types Of Teeth Do We Have

The Four Types of Teeth and How They Function

There are four different types of teeth. They are incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.

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Types of teeth

Incisors: They are also called biting teeth. They are flat, blade-like teeth. The incisors are the front teeth and are so-called because they help to incise (cut) food.

Canines: They are also called tearing teeth. They have very sharp edges and help to tear the food.

Premolars: They have broader surfaces and, therefore, help to chew and grind the food.

Molars: These are large back teeth. They have a wide grinding surface and are used primarily to chew food.

Humans develop two sets of teeth in their lifetime: the temporary set and the permanent set.

The temporary set has twenty teeth, which are ‘ also called the milk teeth. Around the age of six, the milk teeth start falling out, giving way to the permanent teeth.

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Permanent set of teeth

In the permanent set, there are thirty-two teeth, sixteen in each jaw. There are 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 premolars, and 6 molars in each jaw.

Taking care of our teeth

Bacteria are present all around us, even in our mouths. But all bacteria are not harmful to us. However, when we do not clean our teeth properly, some harmful bacteria start growing in the mouth. These bacteria, food particles, and the saliva together form a thin sticky layer called plaque on the surface of the teeth. Plaque that is not removed by brushing, produces acid. The acid dissolves the hard tooth enamel. Tiny holes appear on the surface of the enamel, which slowly get bigger until one large hole appears. This is called a cavity.


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