Speech on Diwali for Teachers in English for Children and Students

Speech on Diwali for Teachers: Diwali, or Dipawali, is India’s greatest and most significant occasion. The celebration gets its name from the line (avali) of clay lamps (deepa) that Indians light outside their homes to represent the incoming light that shields from all other darkness. The preparation starts from the early morning as we decorate our houses with flowers and diyas.

Students can also find more English Speech Writing about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc.

Long and Short Speeches on Diwali for Teachers in English for Students and Kids

We are providing a long Speech on Diwali for Teachers of 500 words and a short speech of 150 words on the same topic along with ten lines about the topic to help readers.

These speeches will be useful for the teachers of schools and colleges who deliver a speech on the occasion of Diwali in their educational institutes for the students and other guests.

Long Speech on Diwali for Teachers 500 Words in English

Long Speech on Diwali for Students is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Good Morning Respected Principal, Vice Principal, My Fellow Teachers, and My Dear Students!

As the Senior Teacher of this school, I take immense pleasure to thank everyone present here who allowed me to deliver a few great words on Diwali’s occasion to everybody. We commend the celebration of Diwali with incredible enthusiasm and show and make different arrangements.

It is the celebration of huge significance for Indian people during which we clean our homes, decorate, do shopping, purchase new things including gifts, kitchen utensils, appliances, vehicles, golden jewelry, and so on and follow a few customs. There are numerous old stories, legends, and fantasies behind praising this celebration.

Ladies of each family make rangolis in original patterns and designs on the floors in the entryways of home. In various ways, the festival is celebrated among the local practices and customs. Along with the Diwali festivity, there is an unintended increment in natural pollution everywhere throughout the world on account of the blasting of different sorts of sparklers and crackers during this celebration. As residents of this nation and particularly students like you, who are viewed as the young people of our nation, we ought to understand that one ought to praise celebrations with joy, however not hurting the earth and well-being of others.

Even though crackers are irregularly burned, they cause a great deal of noise pollution, including air contamination, in this manner, making it hard for us to breathe. Despite our government setting a prohibition on the blasting of crackers, we are not stopping to act immature and finding ways to blast crackers. Diwali is one such celebration that, instead of limitations, individuals engage in illegal practices that are dangerous for us, just like animals. We pay no notice to what, in particular, a measure of harm it makes on our condition.

Because of noise pollution made during Diwali, creatures get frightful and act in a peculiar way, which can even damage others. If there should arise an occurrence of noise pollution and also air pollution, its hazardous effect includes:

Temporary or permanent deafness. 

Vision problems that are brought about by poisonous gases present in the environment.

Bronchitis issues if there should arise an occurrence of asthmatic patients.

This isn’t the end; the smog, which is caused because of the blasting of sparklers, makes a white blind sheet in nature, which in the end decreases the visibility and is a wellspring of causing genuine problems out and about. The individuals who are generally influenced by the blasting of sparklers are little kids just as elderly folks’ individuals.

As a whole, we collectively help our government implement the restriction on each person who enjoys illegal practices of making and blasting crackers. As students, you can likewise start and bring issues to light among your colleagues to quit blasting crackers during Diwali and sensitizing individuals about its outcomes. It, in this way, turns into the obligation of every single one of us to arrange a lot progressively such awareness programs, which at last will encourage individuals to quit blasting sparklers.

Thank You!

Speech for Diwali for Teachers

Short Speech on Diwali for Teachers 150 Words in English

Short Speech on Diwali for Teachers is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Greetings of Diwali to everyone present here.

I welcome you all here. I understand the excitement is in the air because of the Diwali Season. Everybody is looking forward to the Diwali party with great anticipation.

I am as well very much fond of this festival as on this day, in fact, a few days before this festival the places around us are covered with lights, and everything looks clean. Then, the custom of meeting our closed ones like relatives, friends, and sharing greetings as well as gifts is very joyful.

We welcome Goddess Lakshmi, whom we worship in the evening. In the evening, the puja is performed, and we all pray for prosperity, good fortune, and wealth.

We also burn firecrackers, which makes the sky looks beautiful. However, it causes pollution in the environment.

So, let’s welcome this Diwali with a lot of excitement and make it environment friendly by saying ‘NO’ to crackers.

Thank You!

10 Lines on Diwali Speech for Teachers in English

  1. Diwali is one of the largest Hindu celebrations celebrated across India.
  2. It additionally denotes the beginning of New Year for some Hindu just as business communities the nation over.
  3. Diwali holds a grand festival the country over falling in the month of ‘Kartik’ in the Hindu calendar.
  4. Diwali’s second day, Narak Chaturdashi, is when individuals offer prayers for spiritual propitiousness of their ancestor’s resisted souls.
  5. The third day is the first day of the celebration when individuals offer prayer and worship Lord Lakshmi and Ganesha to look for their approval for wealth and prosperity in their homes.
  6. This is the day when the individuals watch the genuine festivity of the event the nation over.
  7. The fourth day of Deepawali is Govardhan Pooja to offer petitions to Lord Krishna, who spared the individuals by lifting the Govardhan Mountain during unremitting downpours.
  8. Apart from India, it is a celebration in numerous outside nations like Fiji, Guyana, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and so on.
  9. We celebrate Diwali by burning crackers, which looks good, but it leads to air and noise pollution.
  10. Diwali is the celebration which commends the triumph of light over darkness, great over evil and knowledge over ignorance.

Diwali Speech for Teachers

FAQ’s on Diwali Speech for Teachers

Question 1.

What are the reasons that people celebrate Diwali?


Diwali is known as the Festival of Lights and is praised for respecting Ramachandra, the seventh avatar of Vishnu. It is said that on that day, Rama came back to his people following 14 years living in the forest, during which he won conflicts against the demons and the evil ruler, Ravana.

Question 2.

How Indians celebrate Diwali?


During the celebration, Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs enlighten their homes, temples, and workspaces with diyas, candles and lights Hindus, specifically, have a custom oil shower at dawn every day of the celebration. Diwali is likewise set apart with firecrackers and the decoration of floors with rangoli patterns and designs.

Question 3.

What is the full name of Diwali?


Diwali is also known as Deepawali, which is the festival of lights, the ancient Hindu festival in India.

Question 4.

Why Hindu celebrate the festival of Diwali?


Diwali is an old festival celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains worldwide. It tells the triumph of good over evil, truth over false, and light over darkness. This time we exchange gifts, friendship, peace, and goodwill to all.

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