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Why dowry system is bad?

The system of dowry is bad and a great social evil prevalent in Indian society. The unscrupulous person do not display moral or ethical principles. They allege that the bride’s parents failed to give the dowry promised by them at the time…

Nuclear family vs. Joint family

Nuclear family vs. Joint family 1. Composition A typical nuclear family consists of a husband, a wife, a couple of children. The number of members are very few in a nuclear family. In a joint family system, the number of dependents…

Women in India: Role and Status of Women in India

Introduction: Traditionally, an Indian woman had four fold status-role sequences. These were her role as a daughter, wife, housewife (homemaker), and mother. The woman, whose status and role traditionally was well defined and almost fixed…

Short Essay on Gender Inequality

Gender inequality refers to the gender based inequality against women. Women are often denied their social, cultural, economic, and political rights leading to a decline in the condition of women. Gender inequality is when people of all…

What are the causes of Poverty?

Poverty refers to the extreme situation of scarcity of essential items that people don’t even get the adequate food, clothing, medicines, shelter, for subsistence existence. What are the causes of poverty? 1. Overpopulation. The…

Save the Girl Child – Essay

Save the Girl Child “Save the Girl Child” is a social initiative in India to fight against the practice of female foeticide. Our present Prime Minister has requested every section of the society to give whole hearted support to the “Beti…

Short Essay on Smoking in Public Places

Smoking in Public Places When a smoker smokes at a public place, it is not only the smoker who sustains the harm. Even those who are not smoking, but are in the company of smokers are also harmed. Reasons Why Smoking in Public is Bad…

Short Paragraph on Casteism in India

Casteism There are many castes, sub-castes and communities in India. The caste system in India is mainly divided among four classes, viz, the Brahmins, the kshatriyas, the Vaishyas, and the Sudras. The backward classes like aboriginal…

Essay on Indian Culture and Tradition

Indian Culture and Tradition Introduction: The fabric of Indian culture is woven with customs and tradition. Tradition, if followed in the right perspective can never be a hindrance to progress unless orthodoxy creeps in and a person is…