Short Paragraph on Politeness

Politeness is the art of behaving in a pleasant manner. Politeness costs nothing, and yet it is a very valuable possession. The tradesman who is not polite soon loses customers.

Many boys and girls seem almost incapable of being-polite. When they speak to any one, they do so in a rude and even vulgar manner. If asked a question, they reply by a movement of the head.

When placing with their companions, they become positively vulgar. At home, they are equally bad. Even when speaking to their parents, they never dream of politeness. If their brothers or sisters happen to cross them, they say cruel and harsh things. People never like such children.

Qualities of a polite person: On the other hand, there are boys and girls who try to show respect to those they meet, or with whom they associate.

  • In reply to a question, they always say ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’.
  • When they have received a kindness, they are sure to say ‘Thank you’.
  • When asking a favor they are careful to say ‘If you please’.
  • They are equally polite at home. In asking their parents, brothers, or sisters for anything, they still bear in mind their good manners.
  • When calling a companion, or when going on errand, they knock gentry at the door.
  • When they meet a superior they salute him respectfully. It is nice to know such children.
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