Short Biography of Mother Teresa

Introduction: Mother Teresa’s real name was Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu. She was born on 26th August, 1910 in Yugoslavia. Her parents were very simple and kind hearted.

Early Life: From her very childhood, she was very kinds and soft-hearted girl. Anjeze was a devout Christian. She joined the Loreto Nuns in Dublin, Ireland. She was then only seventeen years old. She came to India in 1928. She took training to be a sister of Loreto. She came to be known as Sister Teresa. She joined Loreto Convent at Entally as geography teacher. She felt pity for the poor slum dwellers living opposite the convent she wanted to serve them. She then got permission from, Pope and started her mission.

Career: She started a free school for the poor children. The school began to grow and was named ‘Nirmal Hriday’. In 1950, she founded a new religious order ‘Missionaries of Charity’. Her activities began to spread. People began to call her Mother Teresa for her motherly affection towards the suffering people.

She also founded ‘Nirmal Shishu Bhavan’ for the orphan children. A Home in Gobra was founded for the lepers. Donations began to come from many countries of the world.

Awards: Mother Teresa received Padma-Shri Award, The Nehru Award, The Magsaysay Award, and The Pope John XXII Award. Finally she received the Noble Prize in 1979 for Peace and International Understanding.

Conclusion: This great soul passed away in on 5th of September, 1997 in Kolkata. There are some people among the vast population of the world whose names are familiar to all by their service and love to the humanity. Mother Teresa is one of them.

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