Short Biography of Madam Bhikaji Rustom Cama

Madam Bikaji Rustom Cama

Madam Bhikaji Rustom Cama was an Indian revolutionary that took active participation in the Indian Independence Movement. She was born on September 24, 1861.

Madam Bikaji Rustom Cama was a Parsee lady. She deserves special mention in connection with revolutionary activities abroad. She is called the ‘mother of Indian revolution‘.

Early life: Her early name was Bhikai Sorab Patel. She was an intelligent and disciplined student. She was married to Rustom Cama at the age of 23.

Career: In the first part of her career she worked in London. She set up ‘Free India Society‘ in London in order to rally Indian youths. Later, she went over to Paris and founded a centre there.

It was Madam Cama who first planned the Indian national flag. As an Indian representative to the International Socialist Congress held at Stuttgart on 18th August 1907, she waved the flag before the vast assembly and appealed to the delegates to co-operate with the Indians in their efforts to free themselves from the British rule.

Death: She died on August 13, 1936.

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