Robots: Short Essay on Robots

Robots can be defined as machines that have human-like tendencies and capabilities. They can perform tasks according to their programming. For the past decade or so, robots have demonstrated immense significance by decreasing the workload of humans, especially in the industry sector.

Typically, robots are put into use in the manufacturing industry. Laborers usually find these jobs monotonous and repetitive. When people perform a specific role for a long time, it is natural for them to get bored of what they have been doing and want an out or complete the task unwillingly.

This will also reduce the effectiveness of such people as compared to when they began working. As a result, they end up feeling burned out without any eagerness or enthusiasm to continue the work. That is precisely where robots come in the picture to make the lives of humans easier than ever.

Industrial Robots
Industrial Robots

Uses of Robots

Even though in popular fiction a robot resembles a humanoid, in reality, they may have different shapes depending on their function and utility. They can undertake many types of tasks, from cooking and cleaning to heavier ones like assembling large machinery. The development of modern industrialization is dependent on the development of robotics.

In the modern world one can find robots anywhere, even in daily life:

  • Robot vacuum cleaner: With a few instructions, the vacuum cleaner can clean the entire floor surface with no human intervention.
  • Robot lawn mower: Again the owner can set a few instructions, and the entire lawn will be mowed while the owner can tend to other tasks.
  • Drones: They are being developed as a surveillance device or for delivery of small items such as pizzas, etc.
  • In factories, robots are used to set up assembly lines to minimize human labor.
  • A lot of computer programs use robots to hack into other peoples’ computers or software.


Using robots cuts down on a lot of human effort, yet its scope is limited and needs some supervision by human intelligence. Industries have reaped a lot of benefits from the applications of robots in the past few decades. Their utilization has also led to a massive increase in the company’s productivity and profits. Robotics mixed with artificial intelligence has made it easy for humans to perform complicated or tedious tasks and this technology is only expected to grow in the future.

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